John Lincoln Downie

Fr. John Lincoln Downie was born in 1971 in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. In 1992, he graduated from the Christian Geneva College in the same state (the Biology and Philosophy Department). He spent two years at the Koutloumousiou Monastery on Mt. Athos (1999—2001), where he was received into Orthodoxy through Baptism. Then Fr. John studied at the Department of Orthodox Theology at Bucharest University (2001—2006), where he defended his thesis on the subject, “The Doctrine of Creation According to Fr. Dumitru Staniloae”, getting a Master’s Degree in Biblical Theology. He serves as an Orthodox priest in Romania.

Why has the Church Not Spoken Out?

In this more recent attack, truly, who would have ever dreamed that the very medical establishment we all depended on and trusted in for caring for us, for healing... Read more.

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