Brownstone Journal: Most Popular

Brownstone Institute’s most read and popular journal articles for gaining a better understanding of public health, economics, and social policy supporting a healthier and more prosperous society. Brownstone Institute’s purpose is to point the way toward an appreciation of essential freedoms – including intellectual freedom and free speech – and the proper means to preserve essential rights even in times of crisis.

WHO treaty

What the WHO Is Actually Proposing


These proposed instruments, as currently drafted, would fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO, its Member States and naturally their populations, promoting a fascist and neo-colonialist approach to healthcare and governance. The documents need to be viewed together, and in the far wider context of the global/globalist pandemic preparedness agenda.

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? 


McKernan’s results – for the Pfizer product (BNT162b2) – have now been independently verified by a number of internationally recognised laboratories confirming both the presence and levels of DNA contamination across different vials and batches. So, in asking the question ‘Is the result reproducible?’ the answer (for the Pfizer product BNT162b2 at least) is ‘Yes.’ The contamination is real.

What’s Really Happening with Mpox

What’s Really Happening with Mpox


For the WHO and international public health industry, Mpox presents a different picture. They now work for a pandemic industrial complex. Forty years ago, Mpox would have been viewed in context, proportional to the diseases that are shortening life expectancy.

neil gorsuch

Justice Neil Gorsuch Speaks Out Against Lockdowns and Mandates 


“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes.” ~ Judge Neil Gorsuch

Same Pig, Different Lipstick: Covid and the Green Revolution

Same Pig, Different Lipstick: Covid and the Green Revolution


In agriculture, public health, and medicine, we should stop envisioning magic technological bullets that empower governments more than they benefit their purported target populations. We should consider not only the ostensible short-term benefits of interventions but also the broader costs.

CJ Hopkins

The Vicious Punishment of CJ Hopkins 


When asked what gives him courage, Freda said, “I look at this as this a spiritual battle. The people who censor are not good people. If they believed in their ideas, then they would stand up to scrutiny.” He added that many smart people fell in line with dominant and controlling narratives during the Covid period, and, he said, “I lost a lot of heroes. They just crumbled.”

media blame

Media Is to Blame for Covid Vaccines’ Wall of Infallibility


At the very outset, compelling entire populations to take a scientifically novel vaccine, produced on a political timetable, against a disease that for the bulk of people was a bad cold, was a highly questionable policy, arguably trashing traditional medical ethics about informed consent.

Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”

Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”


If you hear your pharmacist, physician, or academic dean parrot the malignant regurgitated trope of “Ivermectin doesn’t work for Covid” or that there is “no evidence” or “no data” to support ivermectin’s use in Covid-19, send them this meta-analysis summary and annotated bibliography of over 100 studies.

Brownstone Institute - Our Last Innocent Moment

Where Are We Now?


I learned how easy it is for us to betray one another and how COVID exposed the fault lines in our relationships. But I also saw humanity all around. I saw hugs and connection and immense warmth everywhere I went. I saw the worst side of humanity and the best, and I witnessed the indomitable power of inconvenient truths. The COVID-19 battleground has certainly created its heroes and villains, and we have all taken sides about which is which. 

CDC v-safe

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program


In George Orwell’s 1984, characters were told by The Party to “reject the evidence of your eyes and [your] ears.” Now, the CDC isn’t even allowing that evidence to be collected for viewing (and prospective rejecting). It’s a terrible idea for any product, let alone novel mRNA technologies. 

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup


The indemnification of pharma from liability for harm needs to be repealed. But even more fundamentally, the quarantine power itself has to go, and that means the full repeal of the Public Health Services Act of 1944.

impact on the world

How Have You Changed?


For those who are researchers, writers, academics, or just curious people who want to understand the world better – even improve it – to have one’s intellectual operating system so profoundly disturbed is an occasion of profound disorientation. It is also a time to embrace the adventure, recalibrate, and set about correcting and finding a new path. 

Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess?

Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess?


The Zuckerberg admission provides a first official and confirmed peek into the greatest scandal of our times and the global silencing of critics, resulting in manipulating election outcomes, the marginalization of dissent, and the overriding of all free speech protections.

Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets


A new paper in JAMA analyzes survey respondents in the US over the period of time right after the Covid pandemic started in April 2020 and through early 2024. It reveals a significant decline in trust in physicians and hospitals.

Trump lockdown

How They Convinced Trump to Lock Down


To be sure, this scenario cannot be proven because the entire event – certainly the most dramatic political move in at least a generation and one with unspeakable costs for the country – remains cloaked in secrecy. Not even Senator Rand Paul can get the information he needs because it remains classified. If anyone thinks the Biden approval of releasing documents will show what we need, that person is naive. Still, the above scenario fits all available facts and it is confirmed by second-hand reports from inside the White House. 

What Really Happened: Lockdown Until Vaccination

What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination


In summary, if this theory is correct, what you have unfolding here is the biggest and most destructive flop in the history of public health. The entire scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination depended fundamentally on a shot that actually achieved its aim and certainly did not impose more harm than good. The trouble is that most everyone now knows what the pandemic masters tried to keep quiet for a very long time: natural immunity is real, the virus was mainly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and the experimental shots were not worth the risk.

Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything


The clean vs. dirty distinction was once an indicator of class, perhaps a desiderata of germaphobic pathology, even a harmless eccentricity. But in 2020, the obsession became extreme, an aesthetic priority that overrode all morality and truth. It then became a fundamental threat to liberty, self-government, and human rights.Today this demarcation has invaded the whole of our lives, and it threatens to create a horrifying caste system consisting of those who enjoy rights and privileges vs those who do not and serve (at a distance) the elites. 

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game


One of the very best exposés of the covert, very well-hidden, bellicose attempts to rob all of humanity – barring the miniscule number of psychotic individuals comprising the inimical opposition – of their material possessions and their ‘immaterial’ freedom, was published fairly recently. It is accurately titled The Great Taking (2023), and was written by David Webb, one of the most courageous and finance-savvy authors I have ever come across.

How Did American Capitalism Mutate Into American Corporatism? - Brownstone Institute

How Did American Capitalism Mutate Into American Corporatism?


I truly wish these companies were genuinely private, but they are not. They are de facto state actors. More precisely, they all work hand-in-glove and which is the hand and which is the glove is no longer clear. Coming to terms with this intellectually is the major challenge of our times. Dealing with it juridically and politically seems like a much more daunting task, to say the least. The problem is complicated by the drive to purge serious dissent at all levels of society. How did American capitalism become American corporatism? A little at a time and then all at once.

regulation governor new york

David v. Goliath in New York 


Governor Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation puts the power at the highest levels of the state government – centrally controlled.


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