Behind the Choice for CDC Director
President Trump has nominated Susan Monarez for the Director of the CDC. This has sent shock waves through the MAHA community, as they were expecting a Covid-era celebrity to take up the reins.
President Trump has nominated Susan Monarez for the Director of the CDC. This has sent shock waves through the MAHA community, as they were expecting a Covid-era celebrity to take up the reins.
The path forward is for us to abandon the outdated dichotomies through which we formerly interpreted politics and the world and instead turn our attention to how to make the world more and more human and less and less inhuman.
Days after the Journal of the Academy of Public Health’s official launch, Science Magazine criticised it in a news item. A scientist wrote that the fact that Science feared our new journal suggested that we were on the right track.
Snow White opened with devastating reviews and empty theaters coast to coast. It’s fascinating to reflect on how this film got caught in the cultural crosshairs. To understand it, we need to return to 2020 and the lockdowns.