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Congress Has a Leverage Point on Pandemic Policy


Three years after martial law was declared and more than 2 years after a deadly vaccine was unleashed upon the population, we are still no closer to structurally reforming the authorities our government used to declare and execute public health fascism. The only general leverage points are the debt ceiling bill and annual budget; however, there is one other “must-pass” bill that can be used as a vehicle to demand change specifically to emergency public health powers: the reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act.

Not to be confused with the PREP Act of 2005, PAHPA was signed by President George W. Bush 1 year later in 2006. Among a litany of heavy-handed authorities, including surveillance programs, it created the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, one of the agencies at the center of gain-of-function research and development of mRNA and other dangerous technologies. BARDA was likely the agency most instrumental in the disaster of Operation Warp Speed. Together with the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, these two offices authorized under PAHPA and its latest reauthorization bill (in 2019) command more than $4 billion in annual appropriations.

Unlike the PREP Act and the other emergency pandemic powers, this one is set to expire at the end of September. In other words, absent any action, PAHPA and all its authority to wage biomedical warfare are finished, thereby providing House Republicans with tremendous leverage to clip the agency’s wings. How can Republicans move on from this disaster and reauthorize the agency that is responsible for the worst tyranny and genocide in American history?

The major medical cartel associations, such as the American Hospital Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges, are demanding a reauthorization with even more heavy-handed control, funding, surveillance, and authority for medical experimentation for their favorite bureaucrats. House Republicans, led by members of the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee and the Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, must clear a path in the opposing direction – toward freedom, valuing human life, and dignity. To that end, no reauthorization of PAHPA should pass the House without addressing the following issues:

1) No mandates: The most important action item is to ensure that no matter which biologic products HHS and the DOD develop, they can never force them upon the population. Any reauthorization bill must ensure a complete ban on federal vaccine, mask, or testing mandates for any future so-called emergency. Nor can these same agencies recommend that states mandate them either. It is never moral, prudent, or scientifically sound to suggest that person A must take an affirmative action to his body to accommodate person B, if that therapeutic or device is really effective. 

2) No endless emergency powers: It is shocking how this wasn’t the subject of HR 1 in the new Congress, but every authority that a president has at his disposal to declare a public health or other form of emergency must expire after 30 days. If the need for such a declaration is so compelling, there is no reason why the president shouldn’t get the support of Congress before extending it. 

3) No gain-of-function research: Before we debate reforms over pandemic response, we need to first ensure that these supposed firefighters aren’t the actual arsonists. Now that we know COVID is not natural, what other pandemics over the past half-century were created by these very governmental agencies through gain-of-function research? As such, any reauthorization bill should contain the following provisions to ensure that these pandemics are stopped in their tracks:

  • Criminalize all actions designed to enhance the pathogenicity or transmissibility of a pathogen. The ban should apply to all public and private officials operating anywhere in the world. A private cause of action should be created for any American to sue those engaging in such activities for civil penalties, in addition to the criminal penalties.
  • The Government Accountability Office must conduct a full audit of all the existing pathogen and vaccine research BARDA, DARPA, and other similar agencies are engaging in around the world, so that we can assess the rationale, safety, and efficacy of each of their projects in the pipeline.
  • A new outside investigative committee should be created composed of individuals representing diverse views, including those who spoke out against the COVID shots, to investigate the history of pandemics since WWII – from RSV and HIV to SARS and certain hemorrhagic fevers – to ascertain the origins and who is responsible. 

4) No tracking vaccination status: We have already seen that the FBI has been involved in flagging vaccination status of New York City teachers. The CDC has also created new ICD-10 codes to track those reluctant to vaccinate. A big portion of the authorities under PAHPA deal with the biomedical surveillance state. As such, no reauthorization should pass without barring the surveillance, tracking, and flagging of anyone’s vaccination status.

5) No hospital bonuses for death protocols: Thousands upon thousands have died from genocidal hospital protocols that even laymen understood early on would exacerbate rather than alleviate pulmonary distress. No legitimate doctor will tell you that the remdesivir-sedation-opioid-ventilator protocol is helpful, yet it is technically the standard of care for inpatient COVID to this very day.

One of the primary drivers is federal funding through programs like the ASPR’s Hospital Preparedness Program, which offered massive bonuses to hospitals for using these protocols and utilizing deadly drugs created by the cronies associated with these HHS bureaucrats, such as Gilead’s remdesivir. Any new reauthorization must provide untainted general funding for hospitals not earmarked toward any particular treatment. That way there is no particular incentive or disincentive to utilize a specific therapeutic, allowing best clinical practices, not corporate greed, to determine choice of treatment. 

6) Ban mRNA: We now have over two years of data demonstrating how mRNA codes one’s body to produce an uncontrolled response to a protein all over the body. The technology is dangerous and must be completely banned. The new authorization bill should bar all funding for mRNA vaccines. 

7) Third-party, independent approval for emergency therapeutics: Given that millions have died all over the world from the COVID shots, we must learn the lesson that when government helps market, distribute, fund, and indemnify emergency products, they are unsafe (even short of full-blown mandates). As such, we need a new regulatory structure stipulating that if the government plans to widely market and distribute an emergency pandemic product beyond a targeted population, it must demonstrate safety and efficacy data from an independent third-party source that is not related to the government officials or the manufacturer of the product. 

8) Strengthen pharmacovigilance and surveillance programs and make them public: It took us almost two years to discover the extent of what the government knew concerning VAERS and V-Safe data and how agencies observed massive injury from day one. There must be a hard trigger in the new law that requires HHS to terminate the program once there is a certain number of weekly VAERS reports. Also, we need a bolstered program of vaccine injury self-reporting, such as V-Safe, whereby the public can observe in real time (or within a week or two) the percentage of injuries the public is reporting to the CDC relative to doses administered. 

9) No obstructing doctors from prescribing off-label medications: If there really is a pandemic, the most important thing is for innovative doctors to immediately utilize the existing safe drugs we have on the market to concoct treatment protocols. Ideally, agencies like BARDA would lead the way in finding the best off-label drugs to use rather than just lining the pockets of Big Pharma to create novel, expensive therapies that take too long to properly establish a safety profile. But at a minimum, they should not get in the way of doctors innovating on their own. Congress must make it clear that HHS agencies can never interfere with a doctor’s right to prescribe FDA-approved drugs off label. 

10) Ban self-spreading vaccines: BARDA and other agencies have been working on self-spreading vaccines for quite some time. Their goal is to create a vaccine that spreads like a pathogen, thereby removing the last vestige of informed consent and forcibly vaccinating everyone against their will and even without their knowledge. We must get ahead of the curve rather than waiting for something this calamitous to occur. 

11) Ban direct-to-consumer advertisements: The US is one of only two developed countries (the other being New Zealand) that allows pharmaceutical companies to directly advertise to consumers. Even if one is fine with this practice, we should all agree that any product developed and authorized through BARDA’s pandemic framework must not allow taxpayer funding to flow to Pfizer and the like so the company can promote its product even more. This is what Pfizer is currently doing with Paxlovid, as it advertises an EUA experimental product kept afloat entirely on taxpayer money. 

12) No EUA products on the childhood immunization schedule: Despite all the problems with the COVID shots, they were shockingly added to the childhood immunization schedule. Congress must make it clear that any emergency product during a pandemic that did not go through the regular FDA approval process cannot be added to the childhood immunization schedule.

After three years of our government creating the virus, blocking the treatment for it, and forcing upon us deadly clot shots and remdesivir, the expiration of the PAHPA is the first leverage point we have to restore the Nuremberg Code so that this never happens again.

Will House conservatives even focus on this as a low-level priority? Earlier this week, Biden promised and guaranteed us that there will be another pandemic. One must consider that those tasked with serving as the firefighters likely know a thing or two about why this supposed “once in a hundred years” phenomenon is now expected to occur on a regular basis. Unlike in 2020, now we know what to expect and should be prepared. Shame on us if we fail to take action and treat this as the most important issue of our lifetime.

Reprinted from Conservative Review

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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  • Daniel Horowitz is senior editor of The Blaze and cofounder of Conservative Review where he writes in-depth daily columns about the hypocrisy in Washington of both the GOP and Democrat establishment from a conservative perspective. He hosts a nationally syndicated podcast, The Conservative Review, and is the author of Rise of the Fourth Reich: Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial so This Never Happens Again.

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