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Questioning Moder Injection Norms

Questioning Modern Injection Norms


A recent medical study found an association between tattoos and malignant lymphoma, with a 21% increased risk of this type of cancer in tattooed persons. Published in the Lancet (oh, the irony!), the paper notes that tattoo ink contains known carcinogens. Nevertheless, the popularity of getting inked has skyrocketed in the past few decades.

Within living memory, the idea of having things injected into one’s body was generally viewed with aversion. The horror of intravenous drug addiction and the specter of AIDS both played a role in this. Still, there is a natural terror of having one’s skin penetrated that is – or at least was – inherent to the human psyche: consider the enduring popularity of vampire mythology as a staple of the horror genre.

Children in particular have always had a hatred of needles, and with good reason: first, it’s an obvious invasion of their physical person, and second, it hurts. Holding down a struggling child to inject them with a vaccine (often while insisting to them it’s for their own good) is a perennial litmus test for medical students as they decide upon their specialty of choice. After all, if you’re not willing to overpower young children and force needles through their skin, you’ll have a hard time making a living as a pediatrician.

In my estimation, human distaste for the hypodermic route of administration is both perfectly natural and adaptive to survival. The skin is the body’s largest and most important barrier to infection and injury, and any breach of it is potentially dangerous.

In nature, who tries to penetrate our skin? Parasites, poisoners, and predators, that’s who. Mosquitoes and other biting insects. Blood-sucking leeches. Stinging insects like hornets and wasps. Venomous animals, especially snakes. Large predators that will eat you if they can, from big cats to crocodiles to sharks. 

And of course, other humans with their weapons.

In nature, the consequences of having one’s skin pierced are serious and potentially deadly. 

Obviously, large-scale hemorrhage can result in death. However, dangerous infections of many kinds can also result from even a small breach in the body’s integument. 

For example, malaria, an infectious disease caused by a single-celled animal (protozoan), and still a leading cause of death in the developing world, is contracted via mosquitoes. Lyme disease, caused by the probably laboratory-altered bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi and ubiquitous in the United States, is transmitted by tick bites. More mundane perhaps, but just as dangerous, virtually any open wound, if neglected, can become infected by numerous bacteria – or even fungi – and result in sepsis and death.

So why are we so eager to have our skin penetrated these days? Tattoos, body piercings, injection pharmaceuticals, and of course vaccines are all much more prevalent today than even a few decades ago.

Tattoos not only are much more common today, they are also much more extensive, often covering entire limbs, or even entire people. I have yet to diagnose a case of tattoo-induced lymphoma, but I have seen several nasty cases of tattoo-induced cellulitis, and in the old days, Hepatitis C infections with no other known risk factor.

Body piercings have followed the same pattern as tattoos: more of them and more extreme examples. Ears with 10 earrings each. Nose piercings, both in the nares and the septum. Eyebrows, lips, tongue (it enhances certain types of sexual stimulation, or so I have been told), nipples, navel, and of course, genitalia. And I’m sure I am forgetting something.

Today, many commonly used drugs are injection-based. Numerous immunomodulators for autoimmune diseases are given by injection, such as Humira, Enbrel, and Skyrizi, among others. Some have black-box warnings for life-threatening side effects. They sell like hotcakes anyway.

Injection hormonal medications such as anabolic steroids and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) are frequently used – and misused – to promote muscle growth, enhance athletic performance, and prolong youthfulness. Conversely, testosterone suppressors such as Lupron are injected into prostate cancer patients and men wishing to transition into women.

Insulin has been around for about 100 years, and for most of that time, it was the only injection medicine for diabetes. Nowadays, following the explosion in prevalence of type-2 diabetes, a number of new injectable diabetes medications have reached the market. They have proven extremely popular (and profitable) and are now being used for non-diabetic diagnoses as well, most notably for weight loss. 

The diabetes drug semaglutide has become so popular as a weight loss treatment that

  • It goes by three trade names (Ozempic and Wegovy are the injectable versions. An oral preparation is known as Rybelsus.)
  • It has transformed its manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, into the most valuable company in Europe, with a market capitalization bigger than the entire economy of its native country of Denmark.
  • Its availability hampered by intense demand, a black market has developed around the so-called “skinny jab.”

To summarize the current state of injectable medications: if you’re a man, and you want to be more of a man, there’s a shot for that. If you’re a man, and you want to be a woman, there’s a shot for that. If you’re a fat man and you want to be a skinny man, there’s a shot for that, too.

Last but not least, there are the vaccines.

Since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) was signed by President Reagan, forever protecting vaccine manufacturers from liability, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines brought to market. This is reflected in the number of vaccines added to the CDC vaccine schedules, with the number of vaccines on the CDC Child and Adolescent schedule rising from a mere 7 in 1986 (how lucky we were!) to a whopping 21 in 2023

The Covid mRNA injections have upped the ante for repeated jabs – to an extreme degree. Some patients who actively sought every recommended booster dose over the last three years have received 6 or 7 total Covid shots by now. 

Big Pharma clearly views the mRNA platform as a plug-and-play model for numerous new medications. Furthermore, while actually gene therapies, the mRNA products are actively billed as “vaccines” to keep them under the NCVIA anti-liability umbrella.

On its own website, Moderna describes a pipeline of mRNA vaccines currently in development for Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Norovirus, Lyme disease, Zika virus, Nipah virus, Monkeypox, and others. 

With the current H5N1 alarmism currently in play, promoted by Covid figures such as Deborah “Scarf Lady” BIrx, the game plan is clear. 

Covid was not an aberration. Covid was a dress rehearsal.

By the way, many vaccines contain aluminum. Aluminum is an established neurotoxin. But don’t worry, Mommy. Kids are resilient, remember?

Many vaccines contain thimerosal. Thimerosal is a mercury compound. Mercury is an established neurotoxin – the cause of the Mad Hatter’s madness, as mercury was used in the making of felt. Long before Lyme, Connecticut became famous for its eponymous disease, hat-making center Danbury, Connecticut was known for the “Danbury Shakes.”

But don’t fret, Mother. Vaccines are safe and effective by definition, remember?

Patients were told that the Covid mRNA injections did not contain potentially carcinogenic SV40 DNA. Of course, now we know they are contaminated, and as cancer diagnoses increase, especially in the young, patients are told, just as they were regarding myocarditis, to believe the ‘experts’ rather than their own lying eyes.

But the final frontier of jab-happiness has arrived when the pregnant woman is invited to the party.

Historically, pregnant women were universally and correctly viewed across medicine as extremely vulnerable to iatrogenic (treatment induced) injury. As a result, they received maximum protection from it – meaning they received the absolute minimum possible treatments and interventions.

To this old-fashioned – or perhaps just old – doctor, the fact that pregnant women are now recommended to receive both the Covid-19 mRNA jabs and the new RSV injection is proof positive that: 

  • The pre-Covid standard of primum non nocere (“first, do no harm”) in medical ethics is dead and buried. Let the buyer beware.
  • The priority of the medical industry must be assumed to be the promotion of an agenda, policy, and/or product, rather than the well-being of the individual patient, until proven otherwise.

Before I am accused of calling for the outlawing of all hypodermic needles and the banning of every parenteral medicine, I will clarify both what I am saying and what I am not.

Certainly, there are legitimate uses for injection medicines. An obvious example: countless type-1 diabetics have been able to live full lives due to the presence of insulin in the medical pharmacopeia. Were injection insulin not available, many millions would have died over the past century. Similarly, intravenous medicines have saved many millions as well, especially critically ill and hospitalized patients. 

There is unquestionably a role for injection medications. But there are risks and harms, both known and unknown, to their use. The current mindset, which appears to be ‘If there’s a medical issue, there’s a shot for that,’ is deeply problematic.

A shot in the arm is to some extent a shot in the dark. In general, the 3 most common types of non-intravenous injections are intradermal, subcutaneous, and intramuscular. With proper technique, a skilled doctor or nurse can do whichever one is called for, with a high degree of precision. 

However, potentially harmful mishaps do occur, such as accidental intravascular injection (directly into a blood vessel). Having inexperienced and/or minimally trained persons such as pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, medical assistants, and even totally non-medical persons perform injections, as happened widely during Covid, increases the risk of complications.

Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of this injection-based mindset of health care is the flawed view of reality it creates. The obesity epidemic is caused by excessive calorie intake, grossly unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity. It is not the result of a population-wide Ozempic deficiency.

We have an immune system for a reason. The human immune system has served our species well throughout our existence on earth. It is competent, capable, and breathtakingly complex – far beyond the understanding of Anthony Fauci and Stephane Bancel, I should add. It does not help the immune system, or us, to hyperstimulate it dozens and dozens of times during childhood with injection after injection, only to suppress it in later life with even more injections when it has been driven haywire.

The human immune system does not need a crude, laboratory-made primer for every antigen it faces. I know there’s no money in this approach, but nevertheless: leave it be. Let it do its job.

Likewise, we have skin for a reason. It is present to shield the interior of our bodies from harmful elements in the outside world. When we violate that shield, we subject ourselves to dangers that are obvious (such as bleeding) and to dangers that are invisible (infections, toxins, and assaults on the immune system). If you don’t think the skin is a complex immunologic organ, just ask any piercing enthusiast with a nickel allergy, or better yet a few of the Covid jab recipients who developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (here, here, and here).

The current, extremely blasé attitude of today toward this important aspect of bodily integrity, as promoted both by Big Pharma/Big Medicine and our culture as a whole, is a big mistake.

The natural routes of entry into the human body, be they for food, air, or reproduction, do not include penetrating the skin. This mode of introduction of foreign material is inherently unnatural, abnormal, and potentially dangerous. When truly necessary and properly performed it should be used, but when unnecessary it should be avoided.

When you recoil at the thought of a needle penetrating your skin and injecting you with something, this is a normal, sensible, and self-preservatory reaction. You may note that this aversion to needles is similar to how you would feel about a mosquito, a leech, a snake bite, or even a knife in your back. This is not a coincidence.

Parasites, poisoners, and predators come in many sizes, shapes, and species. Become as knowledgeable as possible about anything you allow to be done to you. Listen to your own God-given body. Trust your own instincts. Learn to say no. Protect your bodily integrity. Protect yourself.

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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  • C.J. Baker, M.D. is an internal medicine physician with a quarter century in clinical practice. He has held numerous academic medical appointments, and his work has appeared in many journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine. From 2012 to 2018 he was Clinical Associate Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics at the University of Rochester.

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