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What We Can Learn from Ancient Spartans about Courage


When listening to the proceedings of the ‘Grand Jury’ convened by Advocate Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his colleagues, which stretched over several days, one is struck by two things. 

First, all the speakers – authorities from various disciplines – not only inform one of the various aspects and stages of the attempt to inaugurate a central, dictatorial world government, but in the process leave their listeners in no doubt as to the prodigious power amassed by the group of billionaires behind the would-be global coup d’etat

Small wonder that Naomi Wolf remarks in her book – The Bodies of Others (All Seasons Press, 2022, p. 14) – that:

This book is about how we came to this harrowing civilizational crossroads — engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless power over our lives for the freedoms we have taken for granted; how those forces seized upon two years of COVID-19 panic in sinister new ways; and how, yet, against overwhelming odds, we still might win.   

Secondly, in the course of his address (see above), Fuellmich impresses upon one the disconcerting insight that, roughly speaking, probably fewer than 20 percent of people in the world are capable of grasping the true, abject state of affairs, and of adopting a resolute moral stance against it. 

The reason for this may surprise some of his listeners, particularly because it has nothing to do with intelligence; many highly intelligent people have been deceived by the smoke and mirrors of the mainstream narrative. 

According to the German lawyer, he has noticed signs of a ‘spiritual’ element on the part of individuals who have seen through the deceit– something that confirms my own suspicion, that what the neo-fascists fear most, is precisely such a ‘spiritual’ dimension informing the growing resistance against them. 

This would explain Yuval Noah Harari – allegedly Klaus Schwab’s chief adviser – claiming that one should forget about the belief that humans are special creatures, each endowed with a soul; instead, according to Harari they are ”hackable animals.” It also explains the sustained attack, in the shape of ‘woke culture,’ on the sense of identity that has traditionally informed American and other Western cultures. 

If people lose their sense of who they are (including their gender), it is so much easier to hijack them for the agenda aimed at AI-based world control. Those among us who still retain a sense of self and of a moral compass – in short, a viable ethos – should therefore not lose hope in the face of the “overwhelming odds” alluded to by Wolf, above; if the globalists fear us, they evidently have reason to. 

In a recently published book – States of EmergencyKeeping the Global Population in Check (Clarity Press, 2022) – the Dutch social scientist, Kees van der Pijl, gives one further reason for hope where he writes (p. 9):

What matters is that the Covid seizure of power, even more comprehensively than previous states of emergency in the name of terrorism, is working to prevent a democratic transition to a society beyond capitalism. The revolutionary crisis that has become acute resides in the fact that governments have now taken their populations hostage and cannot or dare not release them. This is another reason why the entire effort at suppression is doomed to end in failure. Too much has been set in motion too early, too disjointedly, and the contradictions between the different interests and institutions, only apparently all in agreement, are bound to turn into overt conflict. 

What Van der Pijl draws attention to is easily forgotten: the neo-fascists may (and probably do) think of themselves as putatively superhuman beings, but they are just as prone as any other group of people to squabbling among themselves, in this way undermining or derailing their plans. The ‘resistance’ to their unscrupulous programme of domination – that means, everyone who has taken up the fight against them – therefore has to remind themselves that, even when things look bleak, one has to remain steadfast, and courageous. 

This realisation is given historical perspective by Steven Pressfield in his spellbinding historical novel – Tides of War (Doubleday, 2000) – on the life and times of Alcibiades of Athens. Pressfield recounts a momentous address given by Lysander, a Spartan general, in the course of events that shaped the outcome of the decades-long Peloponnesian war between Sparta and Athens. 

In his speech to the Spartan forces, Lysander (an outstanding rhetorician) distinguishes between two qualities of character, in the process producing a tremendous impact on his soldiers. He contrasts “andreia” (courage) with “thrasytes” (boldness), ascribing the latter to the Athenians – thalassocratic masters of sea warfare, which requires bold attack strategies – and the former to the Spartans, the unquestionable tellurocratic champions of infantry battle, which demands patient courage to retain one’s position while waiting for the right time to defend or advance. In the course of his address Lysander says the following:

Boldness is impatient. Courage is long-suffering. Boldness cannot endure hardship or delay; it is ravenous, it must feed on victory or it dies …

   The bold man is prideful, brazen, ambitious. The brave man calm, God-fearing, steady. The bold man seeks to divide; he wants his own and will shoulder his brother aside to loot it. The brave man unites. He succours his fellow, knowing that what belongs to the commonwealth belongs to him as well. The bold man covets; he sues his neighbour in the law court, he intrigues, he dissembles. The brave man is content with his lot; he respects that portion the gods have granted and husbands it, comporting himself with humility as heaven’s steward …

   Courage is … the issue of selflessness, brotherhood, and love of freedom. Boldness, on the other hand, is spawned of defiance and disrespect; it is the bastard brat of irreverence and outlawry. Boldness honours two things only: novelty and success. It feeds on them and without them dies … Boldness produces hubris. Hubris calls forth nemesis. And nemesis brings boldness low.

It should be obvious that the phraseology in this excerpt reflects the patriarchal values of ancient Greece (the “bold man”, etc.), but – especially in the light of the high social standing of women in ancient Sparta – the distinction made by Lysander is valid for both men and women. 

And the difference between courage and boldness is as applicable today as at any time in history. To be sure, there are moments in one’s life when one has to act boldly, and this goes for a courageous person, too, lest the window of opportunity should pass, to accomplish something from which others may also benefit. 

However, ultimately the point elaborated in this speech pertains to two irreconcilable ways of living. The first of these, associated with boldness, is not difficult to recognise in our current situation: it is perceptible in the ‘bold’ declaration of a ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organisation, and the suddenness, soon after this, with which states of emergency (‘lockdowns’) were imposed on societies around the globe in March 2020, accompanied by governments ‘boldly’ assuming far-reaching powers over populations, for example. 

One further notices such hubris-producing boldness in what Dr Fuellmich and his colleagues have described as ‘a controlled economic collapse’ of the world economy, which includes the deliberate disruption of supply routes and the destruction of food resources. But most of all it was the brazen ‘offering’ of toxic pseudo-vaccines, masquerading as a kind of ‘miracle cure’ (Van der Pijl 2022, p. 31; Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, Skyhorse Publishing, 2021, p. 157), to world populations that embodies the boldness of the neo-fascists. 

This was clearly no pharmaceutical ‘mistake,’ as one can gather from the thoroughly documented accounts in Robert F. Kennedys Jr.’s books (2021, p. 157-179) and A Letter to Liberals (Children’s Health Defense, 2022, p. 23-27). How else could one explain the fact that, even as indications of the lethal effects of the ‘vaccines’ started accumulating, the efforts to get as many people as possible to accept the ‘jab’ continued unabated? There was no indication that, given evidence of serious ‘vaccine’ injury and death, the ‘vaccination’ programme would be halted until the safety of these experimental injections could be verified. This is brazenness beyond belief, especially considering that the groups being targeted eventually included young children. And it has to be faced courageously.

Just how brazen the attack on humanity has been, is nowhere demonstrated more graphically and disturbingly than in the research, and death by assassination, of a German doctor, Dr Andreas Noack, a world authority on the effects of graphene on the human body.  

In a video Dr Noack explains that the Pfizer Covid ‘vaccine’ does not contain graphene oxide (that produces immunity-destructive protein spikes in the human body), as other people who have examined it claim, but graphene hydroxide, which is even worse for the body because of its nano-particle structure, which resembles sub-microscopic ‘razor blades.’ 

Dr Noack was murdered four days after he posted the video on BitChute, probably because, in light of his expertise on graphene, he was virtually unique in his ability to testify in court against the mainstream, official narrative. In the video he designates graphene hydroxide as a “mono-layered activated carbon,” whose “electrons are delocalized (fully mobile)” and are “not biologically decomposable.” “These nanoscale structures,” he continues, 

…can best be described as “razor blades”. [It] suspends well in water…So these are razor blades spread homogeneously in the liquid. This is basically Russian roulette…It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth, like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That’s what’s so dangerous. If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel…The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything…If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything…People bleed to death on the inside…Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast-flowing blood. The faster the blood flows the more damage the razors will do. As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that…top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead [4.51 minutes into the video; BO]. 

Hence, according to Dr Noack, when graphene hydroxide is injected into a person’s body, and one is unfortunate enough to have it injected into a vein or artery by chance (hence the “Russian roulette”), nanoscale “razor blades” will circulate in the larger vessels of your cardiovascular system, destroying them as well as your heart. 

The reason why Noack alludes to “top athletes…dropping dead” on the sports field is because, around the time of his tragic death, there was a spate of such sudden deaths, which mainstream media tried to explain away as being extremely “rare.” In light of Dr Noack’s research, however, this was probably an effect of the graphene hydroxide in their blood. 

People such as Dr Noack – and the many others bravely fighting the unscrupulous globalist cabal – are exemplars of courage as described by Pressfield’s Lysander. None of them set greater store by short-term ‘success’ – least of all the decimation of fellow humans – than by long-term commitment to a supreme value, such as the political, social, and cultural freedom and democratic rights of human beings. 

Moreover, As Lysander points out, unrelenting boldness generates hubris, which, in turn, invites Nemesis (the ancient Greek goddess of retribution for, and indignation against, evil deeds). And Nemesis can assume an unexpected, unpredictable shape, one for which the subhuman creatures comprising the globalist band of conspirators may not be prepared. 

Whether this is the case or not, the question facing one today is whether concerted action worldwide can still avert a global disaster in the guise of the establishment of a totalitarian world state. But to engage in such action, it appears to me that humanity will need courage, not boldness, in the time ahead.

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  • bert-olivier

    Bert Olivier works at the Department of Philosophy, University of the Free State. Bert does research in Psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, ecological philosophy and the philosophy of technology, Literature, cinema, architecture and Aesthetics. His current project is 'Understanding the subject in relation to the hegemony of neoliberalism.'

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