- Brownstone Journal
Zuckerberg Vindicates Justice Alito
Zuckerberg’s recent statements highlight the dereliction of the Supreme Court, including Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Kavanaugh, and Justice Barrett in their failure to uphold the First Amendment against the winds of political pressure.
To Survive Family Dinners
Everyone knows that the multi-generational family table has, for centuries, been the prime site of socialization for society’s young. It is where they have learned to listen, pay attention, interpret body language, and acquire the art of storytelling.
Wildfires and the Hoary Hoax of a Burning Planet
The current raging California fires are largely a function of misguided government policies. Officials have essentially curtailed the supply of water available to firefighters, even as they have increased the supply of combustible kindling and vegetation which feeds these wildfires.
When the Solution Is Tyranny, Be a Problem
What “Reaction” might cause a “Problem” for the tyrant when we consider the “Solution” that is the under 16 social media ban? “Problems” as such don’t even necessarily have to be related to the “Solution”. Just be a problem.
- Fellowships & Working Groups
Brownstone Institute provides a one-year fellowship to writers, researchers, and thinkers with proven passion and commitment in light of the sacrifices they've made for truth and freedom.
REPPARE, an initiative of University of Leeds, supported by Brownstone Institute, to clarify the evidence base on which history’s largest public health program is being built.
Censorship and Propaganda
The working group on censorship and propaganda does the deeper research of how this unfolded, and documents in granular detail the connections and the agenda to control the public mind.
Money and Finance
The money and finance working group tracks the use of monetary tools as instruments of control, and the dangerous drive to create a central bank digital currency.
- Outreach and Events
Every month, Brownstone Institute invites friends, supporters, fellows, partners, and more to the famed Brownstone Supper Club, featuring a new guest speaker each month. The success of this gathering has inspired others to establish their own regional gatherings.
Brownstone Institute hosts an annual Gala and Conference, giving the general public, supporters, and all our authors, fellows, and researchers opportunities to interact and learn more about the mission, direction, current and upcoming initiatives. Watch the Calendar for announcements about our next Gala or view our past events.
- Publishing
The book publishing program at Brownstone Institute allows great minds to reach the public despite censorship and without major delays. The goal is to provide sanctuary and community for our authors in times of incredible professional upheaval.
- Donations
Funding for Brownstone Institute is grass-roots. Brownstone Institute is a 501c3 (EIN: 87-1368060) and depends fundamentally on benefactors who see a need and are dedicated to making a difference now and in the future.
Your donations are tax deductible as the law allows. We do not and will not share donor names. Thank you so much for your support for an unlocked-down future.
- Audience
Since launching in mid 2021, Brownstone Institute’s audience has grown to 98k+ significantly increasing monthly reach beyond 1M+ covering 20+ social media and online properties.
Follow Brownstone Institute
Brownstone Institute’s editorial policy of publishing in the Creative Commons extends the reach to many millions more through digital and print publishing organizations and friends like Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, RealClear, and many others.
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