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How New Zealand Centralizes Medicine

Locking in Mandated Medicine by Short-Circuiting Democracy


What we see in command medication and digital is a general failure to require and include in these policies a place for the production of scientific information that might challenge or contradict claims of safety. The feedback loops are not sophisticated, open, and transparent enough. They never will be.

Locking in Mandated Medicine by Short-Circuiting Democracy Read Journal Article

We Must Resist the Grey Men

We Must Resist the Grey Men


For the sake of freedom, for the sake of vibrant and meaningful living, and for the sake of that very chaos and unpredictability that, in and of itself, provides the soil and the nutrients for beautiful variety to grow — we need to accept that there will always be holes and inefficiencies in our attempts to optimize our lives. And if someone pushes us to micromanage that precious negative space, that’s usually a sign that they are seeing us as resources, and that they do not, in fact, have our best interests at heart. 

We Must Resist the Grey Men Read Journal Article

public health cancer

The Cancer that is Public Health


This cancer of conflicted interests has infiltrated far beyond public health; the media and governments have been dutifully trotting off to the Davos club for years. Whilst the functions of international health appear to be leading the degradation of society, the sector itself seeks to grow at an unprecedented rate. Let us hope, for all our sakes, that the rest of society can recognize the rot within, and find the strength to cut it out before it drags us all down. We cannot let those fueling this rot destroy what so many worked so hard to build.

The Cancer that is Public Health Read Journal Article

bill gates

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book


I’m sorry to report that the entire book is a study in mysophobia, more worthy of study by a student of abnormal psychology than a public health official, much less a scientist. That no one has ever pointed this out to him is a disgrace. It’s the trouble with being so rich that you become uncriticizable. 

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book Read Journal Article

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