Search Results for: Israel

Data Betrayed the Supposed 'Apocalypse'

Data Betrayed the Supposed ‘Apocalypse’


Like everyone, I have been following the news from the Far East since the beginning of the year. Although infectious diseases were not my subject matter research, epidemiologists are trained to think critically, to question what many accept at face value. The picture that emerged was far from clear. A few observations did not fit well with the apocalyptic predictions.

Data Betrayed the Supposed ‘Apocalypse’ Read More

studies vaccine mandates

Extensive Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates


What these studies show, are that vaccines are important to reduce severe disease and death, but unable to prevent the disease from spreading and eventually infect most of us. That is, while the vaccines provide individual benefits to the vaccinee, and especially to older high-risk people, the public benefit of universal vaccination is in grave doubt. As such, Covid vaccines should not be expected to contribute to eliminating the communal spread of the virus or the reaching of herd immunity. This unravels the rationale for vaccine mandates and passports. 

Extensive Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates Read More

160 Plus Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted


This follow-up chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 91 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity and allow you to draw your own conclusion.

160 Plus Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted Read More

Vitamin D

Vitamin D: Everything You Need to Know


Inadequate vitamin D3 intakes result in most people having a 1/10 to 1/2 of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function properly. This is relatively easy to attain with proper supplementation, and is necessary to suppress COVID-19 severity, transmission and deaths. However, most doctors and immunologists are unaware of – and uninterested – in the research which shows how important this is.

Vitamin D: Everything You Need to Know Read More

unvaccinated Sweden

“Vaccinated” Sweden: A Response to a Brainwashed Critic


When I saw on my Excel file that the Covid mortality ratio — Sweden versus Israel — during the winter wave of 2020–2021 was identical to the usual ratio, and there is no statistical hint of averted Covid deaths in Israel, I was astonished. I expected to see some indication that vaccinated Israel fared better than unvaccinated Sweden.

“Vaccinated” Sweden: A Response to a Brainwashed Critic Read More

vaccine efficacy

The Final Brick in the Vaccine Efficacy Narrative


Two key bricks seem to have already fallen from the COVID vaccines’ narrative – the one about their fantastic efficacy against infections and the one about their superb safety. However, one stubborn narrative brick seems to stand still, leading many people to believe that the booster doses of the vaccines are capable of providing long-term protection against severe illness and deaths (despite their failure to protect against infections).  

The Final Brick in the Vaccine Efficacy Narrative Read More

There is Yet Hope for the Beauty of Cities

There is Yet Hope for the Beauty of Cities


Go take some action to strengthen your neighborhood, your local culture. Go chat with someone on the street that social media and leaders tells you is unknowable. Make a meal for friends and neighbors. Refuse to be hypnotized. You are thus unmaking your own chains. They can only enslave us if we let them.

There is Yet Hope for the Beauty of Cities Read More

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