Search Results for: %5C%22Covid+Crimes%5C%22

Woodward and Bernstein

Where’s the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals?


When you stop and think about it, there’s no way a “Woodward and Bernstein” could tell the story of the Covid Scandal. There’s simply too many scandals that would have to be exposed. It would take an army of Woodward and Berstein’s to break the pieces down into individual, sub-scandal components. 

Where’s the Woodward and Bernstein of the Covid Scandals? Read More

Brownstone Institute - They Inch Towards Total Technological Control

They Inch Towards Total Technological Control


In a move that casts George Orwell’s 1984 in a distinctly passé light, these well-nigh invisible flying objects will be programmed and used by organisations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) for population surveillance, to detect so-called ‘thought crimes’ on the part of citizens. Needless to spell out, this will be done with a view to controlling people in a failsafe manner, anticipating supposed ‘criminal’ action before it is committed. 

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Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?

Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?


When the government heaves the law and Constitution overboard, euphemisms become the coin of the realm. During the Bush era, it wasn’t torture—it was merely “enhanced interrogation”. Nowadays, the issue is not “censorship”—but merely “content moderation.” And “moderation” is such a virtue that it happened millions of times a year thanks to the feds arm-twisting social media companies, according to federal court decisions.

Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue? Read More

reject postmodernism, authoritarianism, and fascism

Capital, Postmodernism, and Left Authoritarianism: The Unholy Alliance


If we survive the current crisis, it will be because of this new coalition of disaffected Democrats together with evangelical Christians and “small l” libertarians who reject postmodernism, authoritarianism, and fascism and fight with everything we’ve got for freedom, rationality, and common sense.

Capital, Postmodernism, and Left Authoritarianism: The Unholy Alliance Read More

A Small Town, Lost to Lockdowns and Mandates


When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; Psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars. 

A Small Town, Lost to Lockdowns and Mandates Read More

The Culpability of the New York Times: Then and Now


The whole sorry episode speaks to a much larger and more entrenched problem: the symbiotic relationship between Big Media and the administrative state. It’s the permanent bureaucracy that serves the journalists’ primary and most credible source material. The higher the journalist or the bureaucrat rises in the profession, the fatter the rolodex grows on both ends. They maintain constant communication, as the FOIA’d emails about the pandemic have repeatedly shown. 

The Culpability of the New York Times: Then and Now Read More

theory of evil

A Unifying Theory of Evil


Many of us can recognize the results of evil intuitively: evil causes vast human suffering; revokes our sense of human dignity; creates an ugly, dystopian, or disharmonic world; destroys beauty and poetry; perpetuates fear, anger, distress and terror; causes torture and bloodshed. Nevertheless, there are always some people who seem to remain ignorant of its presence — or, incredibly, see specific visceral atrocities as justified and even good. 

A Unifying Theory of Evil Read More

What It Means to Lose Trust 


Competing truths may be difficult and devastating to accept, as we have been enduring in the last few years, but the pain and cognitive dissonance are most certainly survivable, as survivors of childhood sexual abuse and assault survivors can attest. We may even transcend and thrive, be strengthened, and become guides for others.

What It Means to Lose Trust  Read More

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