Search Results for: totalitarian

Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words


In her “excruciating story” of the pandemic, The Silent Spread, Deborah Birx does not even try to make coherent scientific or public health policy arguments in favor of the Chinese-style totalitarian measures she advocated. Instead, she provides nonsensical, self-contradictory assertions – some downright false and others long disproven in the scientific literature.

Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words Read More

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within


I’m not saying Deborah Birx is a CCP agent. I’m just saying that if she was an agent for Xi Jinping’s stated goal of gradually stripping the world of “independent judiciaries,” “human rights,” “western freedom,” “civil society,” and “freedom of the press,” then every word of her book would read like that of Silent Invasion. If she did do it, this is how it would have happened.

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within Read More

On the Modern Plight of the Youth

On the Modern Plight of the Youth


By ownership, I don’t just mean physical possessions. As the posts from the younger Brownstone contributors have made clear, it must also mean ownership of, and active participation in: 1) our shared culture; 2) a faith-based connection to the eternal; 3) a revitalization of the family; and, 4) a return to the principals of our Constitutional republic. All of these things are hanging by a thread, and the younger generations are paying, and will continue to pay a very heavy price for as long as these items are not addressed head-on.

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The System of Fascism Revisited

The Machinery of Fascism Revisited


In today’s polarized political environment, the left continues to worry about unbridled capitalism while the right is forever on the lookout for the enemy of full-blown socialism. Each side has reduced fascistic corporatism to a historical problem on the level of witch burning, fully conquered but useful as a historical reference to form a contemporary insult against the other side. 

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WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved

WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved


The 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly concluded Saturday, June 01, 2024. This particular Assembly meeting, the first following the Covid crisis, failed to achieve agreement on the wording or passage of a proposed World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic “treaty”, also referred to as an “agreement”. In parallel to the treaty, the World Health Assembly (in close cooperation with the US HHS/Biden administration) has been working on “updating” the existing (2005) International Health Regulations (IHR) agreement, which historically functioned as a voluntary accord establishing international norms for reporting, managing, and cooperating in matters relating to infectious diseases and infectious disease outbreaks (including “pandemics”).

WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved Read More

Intellectual Courage Is as Essential as it Is Rare


We’ve long misconstrued who precisely can be part of the intellectual battle. Everyone without exception can qualify as an intellectual provided he or she is willing to take ideas seriously. Anyone and everyone is entitled to be part of it. Those who feel the burden and the passion of ideas more intensely, in Mises’s view, have a greater obligation to thrust themselves into the battle, even when doing so can bring disdain and isolation from one’s fellows – and doing so most certainly will (which is why so many people who should have known better have fallen silent). 

Intellectual Courage Is as Essential as it Is Rare Read More

Decline of the West

Was Spengler Right After All? 


The only thing that the current, deliberately orchestrated onslaught against culture has in common with Spengler’s diagnosis, a century ago, of the demise of Western culture, is precisely that: the controlled demise of culture. Except that, for Spengler, this was an inescapable process that unfolded in the course of centuries (going back to the European Renaissance), whereas at present we are witnessing a hubristic, megalomaniacal attempt to torpedo both Western and other cultures for the sake of retaining financial and hence, political control over world affairs.

Was Spengler Right After All?  Read More

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