Search Results for: world+health+organization

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Escrava Anastácia

The Mask of Your Enslavement: The Image, History, and Meaning of Escrava Anastácia


While there are clear specificities between the suffering of Africans under the system of chattel slavery and the deprivation of civil liberties endured by most citizens around the world during the current pandemic panic, Anastácia reminds us of certain transhistorical constants in the process of dehumanization and subjugation of populations through the gagging and muzzling of their bodies to quell their protestations. 

The Mask of Your Enslavement: The Image, History, and Meaning of Escrava Anastácia Read Journal Article

Is There Hope for International Rule of Law?

Is There Hope for International Rule of Law?


Have governments realized that they have been misled by repetitive G20, WHO, and the World Bank’s messages that there would be more harmful pandemics to come and that the world urgently needs new pandemic agreements? If they return to their senses, there may still be time for them to use Article 56(5) IHR to raise disagreement with the WHO’s interpretation of Article 55(2) to the coming WHA, demanding a deferral of the vote until legal requirements are fulfilled.

Is There Hope for International Rule of Law? Read Journal Article

False Messaging Forever: The WHO’s Plan for the Future 


Despite its massive internal contradictions, disproportionate cost, coercion, and requirement for its promoters to live obvious lies, COVAX and the entire mass-vaccination paradigm has created a strong model for success of the wider pandemic preparedness project. If truth in public health can be so readily dispensed with, and those working in the field so willingly corralled, the potential for milking the public’s trust and desire for safety presents unprecedented potential for profit. 

False Messaging Forever: The WHO’s Plan for the Future  Read Journal Article


Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response?


The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric Covid-19 response is very widespread – at least on Twitter. But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico

Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response? Read Journal Article


How I Was Canceled by


I created a Meetup group called “Covid Contrarians” in New York City. The idea was just to meet other people like me, who thought our governments were overreacting to the Covid situation. My big plan was no more than, get together and schmooze over coffee or a beer. The group lasted a few weeks before Meetup declared that it was spreading misinformation, and erased it from the website.

How I Was Canceled by Read Journal Article

Focused Protection: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

Opposition from Left Journalism 


Within days of the pandemic’s inception, criticism of lockdowns and other restrictions became conflated with right-wing politics. This put lefties in a bind: if they didn’t support the restrictions, they might be mistaken (the horror!) for a conservative—or worse, a soldier in Orange Man’s army. They latched onto the mask, the left-wing answer to the MAGA hat, as a badge of their political allegiance. 

Opposition from Left Journalism  Read Journal Article

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