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The Dragnet in Lombardy: Patient Zero of Lockdowns


By way of one Health Minister Roberto Speranza, on whose order 50,000 Lombardy residents were placed under lockdown on February 21, 2020, the first lockdown in the modern western world. Within weeks, lockdown had spread to cities across Italy, until the entire nation was placed on lockdown on March 9. By April 2020, more than half the world’s population—some 3.9 billion people—had been placed under lockdown.

The Dragnet in Lombardy: Patient Zero of Lockdowns Read More

Covid climate emergency

Covid Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing


All signs indicate that the U.S. and other world governments want to expand the reach and control of the globalized industrial food system, further concentrating power in the largest Big Food corporations. Governments around the world are using environmental goals to forcibly shut down small farms as they promote dependence on industrial technologies and factory foods that could make climate change and other environmental problems worse.

Covid Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Globalists' New Weapon

The Globalists’ New Weapon


Almost every major news outlet in the world has run black propaganda pieces about Disease X. Why do I write black propaganda – because the “experts” aren’t actually named, the peer-reviewed papers supporting the thesis of “a deadly pathogen causing 20 times more deaths than COVID-19” or “killing 20 times more people than COVID-19” or “killing 50 million people” are non-existent. Yet these narratives are all headline news in mainstream media.

The Globalists’ New Weapon Read More

Lancet COVID-19 Commission

A Critique of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission 


The commission members appear convinced that lockdowns and mass vaccination were a net benefit, but It also appears that in two years of consultation they have not considered the alternative. The loss of decades of progress on infectious disease, human rights, and poverty reduction caused by lockdowns has not given sufficient pause for thought. 

A Critique of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission  Read More

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?


If it is indeed the case that our authorities and their supporters within the public health community consider that powers currently vested within national jurisdictions should be given over to external bodies on the basis of this level of recorded harm, it would be best to have a public conversation as to whether this is sufficient basis for abandoning democratic ideals in favor of a more fascist or otherwise authoritarian approach. We are, after all, talking about restricting basic human rights essential for a democracy to function. 

Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty? Read More

WHO Pandemic Agreement April Draft: Additional Concerns

WHO Pandemic Agreement April Draft: Additional Concerns


The World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating body of the draft Pandemic Agreement to be voted on in late May produced yet another draft. As the previous text was dealt with in detail in a recent article, it seems relevant to provide a brief summary of the additional changes. As before, the document becomes vaguer but adds more activities to be funded, reinforcing the concerns that this process is being rushed without due review.

WHO Pandemic Agreement April Draft: Additional Concerns Read More

The Deeper History of ‘Social Distancing’ — the Western Term for Lockdown (封锁)


One way or another, the ancient policy of “lockdown” in response to an outbreak thus came full circle. Having been thoroughly discredited as counterproductive by 20th-century epidemiological research, this medieval policy of lockdown (封锁) was kept alive in China

The Deeper History of ‘Social Distancing’ — the Western Term for Lockdown (封锁) Read More

The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes

The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes 


To simply vote no would leave the current situation – the situation that led to the many Covid-19 pandemic failures – unaddressed. But any putative “benefit” of the new treaty is likely to be marginal at best. More importantly, the treaty and amendments as they are currently written do enormous, identifiable harm and would leave everyone, except those with stakes in Big Pharma, IT services, and global finance, far worse off.

The Pandemic Treaty Will Compound Past Mistakes  Read More

WHO’s Proposals

Why Legislators Should Reject the WHO’s Proposals for Pandemics


The WHO’s funding arrangements, its track record, and the perverse nature of its proposed pandemic response should be enough to render these proposed agreements anathema in democratic States. If implemented, they should make WHO unfit to receive public funding or provide health advice. The international community can benefit from coordination in health, but it would be reckless to entrust that role to an organization clearly serving other interests.

Why Legislators Should Reject the WHO’s Proposals for Pandemics Read More

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