
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Australian Senate to Investigate Excess Mortality

Australian Senate to Investigate Excess Mortality


Clearly, most people are done with Covid and have stopped paying heed to the advice from public health authorities. This of course contains its own long-term dangers. Are Labor and the Greens not interested in knowing the vaccine truth and restoring public trust in the integrity of our public institutions, including Health and Parliament?

Australian Senate to Investigate Excess Mortality Read Journal Article

Data Betrayed the Supposed 'Apocalypse'

Data Betrayed the Supposed ‘Apocalypse’


Like everyone, I have been following the news from the Far East since the beginning of the year. Although infectious diseases were not my subject matter research, epidemiologists are trained to think critically, to question what many accept at face value. The picture that emerged was far from clear. A few observations did not fit well with the apocalyptic predictions.

Data Betrayed the Supposed ‘Apocalypse’ Read Journal Article

Pandemics: A Business Opportunity

Pandemics: A Business Opportunity


For most of the rest of humanity – those not heavily invested in Pharma or software and those concerned about human rights – the future does not look so rosy. We are supposed to provide the money that ends up in the hands of the people running it all. That is how profiteering works. So we will have to put things right, because they obviously won’t. Now that it is all written out for us in the WHO documents and we are aware of the money transfers of the past few years, we no longer have any excuse to ignore it.

Pandemics: A Business Opportunity Read Journal Article


Mechanisms of Harm: Introduction


This report is not a medical study or conclusive document. It presents various ideas and concerns shared by so-called “Covid dissidents” who, from the beginning, were concerned that our pandemic response was causing more harm than Covid-19 itself. No doubt there are other relevant points, and points of view, that are missing from this collection, but it’s a start. My hope is that this book will lead to thoughtful consideration, fruitful conversations, and the pursuit of additional knowledge.

Mechanisms of Harm: Introduction Read Journal Article

A Fauci for Every Farm Animal

A Fauci for Every Farm Animal


All sorts of exemptions and loopholes exist around drugs. Both experimental and emergency use make an end run around licensing. This was the case with rBGH in dairy cows. The dairy industry didn’t have to disclose its use, on labels or otherwise, due to its “experimental” designation. If you’re thinking what I’m thinking (Pinky and the Brain) this sounds extremely similar to the clever-speak surrounding mRNA use on humans during Covid—experimental and emergency.

A Fauci for Every Farm Animal Read Journal Article

Perverse Incentives

Perverse Incentives


A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. However, after the events of the last four years many of us have grown skeptical that the harms we experience from bad policy and bad law are unintentional.

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Kid Lab Rats - Brownstone Institute

Kid Lab Rats


Right now, Pfizer/Bio-n-Tech is running an ongoing clinical trial to test the effectiveness of its shots (the shot is not a vaccine as it does not prevent catching the virus or transmitting the virus as typical vaccines do) on kids. Pfizer has been running radio and other ads looking for test subjects.

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measles mongering - Brownstone Institute

Mainstream Measles Mongers


The current state of Modern Measles Mongering is a leitmotif of post-pandemic public health, where the state and mainstream media measles-mongering is actively telling the population to fear a disease that has an extremely remote chance of you getting it and an even more remote chance of you dying from it. It predictably recommends everyone do whatever they can to protect their family (ie: get more measles shots) which may or may not protect you. And if you get the shot, please know that any safety research on the measles vaccine is mostly inadequate. 

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