
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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The PREP Act Swallowed the Bill of Rights - Brownstone Institute

The PREP Act Swallowed the Bill of Rights


The US sold its citizens’ right to jury trials to the country’s largest lobbying force, and Americans now bear the costs after Pharma cashed record profits. The PREP Act, a 2005 statute invoked by HHS Secretary Alex Azar at the onset of the pandemic, guarantees immunity “with respect to all claims caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure,” including mRNA vaccines.

The PREP Act Swallowed the Bill of Rights Read Journal Article

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge - Brownstone Institute

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge


A judge who previously provided legal counsel to Pfizer has blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials.

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge Read Journal Article

Sickness Everywhere - Brownstone Institute

The Truth Business Leaders Need to Face


In many countries, business leaders are facing a decline in productivity with an increasing risk for bankruptcy. In many discussions, the real problem of a poor economy is kept hidden. The dramatic eroding of human capital by poor health, increased sickness, early deaths in all ages, and lost education among the youth will disrupt business performance for years to come. This downward spiral urgently needs a U-turn to save human capital and economic flourishing. This transformation should be guided by trusted business leaders with high integrity who understand that profit is a result of investments in human capital and starts with good health and affordable pure nutritious food.

The Truth Business Leaders Need to Face Read Journal Article

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden - Brownstone Institute

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden


Dr Barratt is correct; doctors do have a higher standing in the community. Dr Julie Sladden is ethical and moral, and, after reviewing the best available evidence and using her clinical experience, she spoke up at great personal cost, to protect the public when authorities ignored her calls for a review. The Tasmanian people can decide who they wish to lead them; they do not need the AMA bullying doctors, silencing scientific debate and interfering in democracy.

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden Read Journal Article

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism - Brownstone Institute

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism


We hope our lower court victory in Tennessee contributes to restoring the primacy of true evidence-based medical decision-making about childhood Covid mRNA vaccination. It is our fervent wish that the ruling also helps galvanize opposition to childhood Covid mRNA vaccine Lysenkoism, within Tennessee, and across the US. 

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism Read Journal Article

Health Care Students Still Suffer Force - Brownstone Institute

Health Care Students Still Suffer Force


The Covid catastrophe did immense damage to medical care, much of it the result of gross mismanagement at the highest levels of the industry. Those just entering it must be treated with renewed respect and consideration if they are to correct the mistakes of their predecessors. Ending this injustice is an excellent place to start.

Health Care Students Still Suffer Force Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Government Investment into Vaccines Hasn't Paid Off

Government Investment Into Vaccines Hasn’t Paid Off


Unless and until manufacturers can show that, with the right payload, mRNA vaccines are as safe and effective as traditional vaccines against the same pathogen, governments really should be more careful about ‘investing’ our money. God knows, they’ve blown enough of it already, these past four years.

Government Investment Into Vaccines Hasn’t Paid Off Read Journal Article

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk - Brownstone Institute

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk


Public health has come into its own over the past few years; a once-backwater profession now promoted to be the arbiters of liberty and human relationships. Outbreaks of diseases associated with death at an average age of about 80, or even purely hypothetical, are now sufficient reason to close workplaces, close schools, upend economies and convince people to turn on their noncompliant neighbors. The result, while impoverishing the many, has driven an unprecedented concentration of wealth.

The Fairy Tale of Pandemic Risk Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize


It’s hard to see the Norwegian Nobel Committee defying the suffocating Covid narrative that took over the Western world, with a very few honourable exceptions. Of course if they were to do so, that would really stir things up and help to dismantle the narrative. One can but hope for the best while expecting otherwise.

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize Read Journal Article