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covid lies and abuses

Covid Robbers as Victims? 


If Biden can shift blame for disastrous Covid policies, politicians will be more likely to pointlessly lock down the nation in the future. Americans deserve to see all the federal records and all the state government records to expose the recklessness and deceit that permeated Covid policies. America will not recover from the pandemic until all the COVID lies and abuses by officialdom have been exposed.

Covid Robbers as Victims?  Read More

Gabrielle Bauer - Blindsight is 2020

Blindsight Is 2020: Gabrielle Bauer reports on the resistance with Jeffrey Tucker


Gabrielle Bauer joins Jeffrey Tucker, founder and president of Brownstone Institute for an interview about her new book, Blindsight Is 2020: Reflections on Covid Policies from Dissident Scientists, Philosophers, Artists, and More

Blindsight Is 2020: Gabrielle Bauer reports on the resistance with Jeffrey Tucker Read More

Desmet book burned

My Book Is Being Burned


On January 25, 2023, Ghent University banned the use of my book The Psychology of Totalitarianism in the course “Critique of Society and Culture”. That happened in the aftermath of a media storm that erupted in September 2022 following my interviews with Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. I already wrote about that in a previous essay.  

My Book Is Being Burned Read More

Trust the experts

Reason to Distrust the Experts, Even in Court


Repeatedly since the beginning of the covid pandemic response, public officials, media, and celebrities encourage the public to “trust the experts.” In deciding whether to do just that, it is imperative for the public to know what an “expert” is and how the public is advised to receive their testimony under the law.

Reason to Distrust the Experts, Even in Court Read More

Adam Smith liberal path

Adam Smith’s Liberal Path 


The Godly path to Adam Smith’s liberal plan is a path away from cultishness. Can liberalism be sustained in a world of waning belief in God? Tocqueville said that the spirit of liberty and the spirit of religion depend on one another. Hayek ended The Fatal Conceit asking whether people in an age of waning theism will not be inclined to find meaning and validation in cultish politics.

Adam Smith’s Liberal Path  Read More

listen to the kids

Listen to the Kids


People often ask me why I still care about school closures and other covid restrictions that harmed a generation of children. “Schools are open now,” they say. “It’s enough already.” No. It’s not. The impact to this generation of children continues. And so do many of the restrictions impacting young people. 

Listen to the Kids Read More

humiliation ritualized

Humiliation Ritualized, in Childhood and Politics


My experience in academia and many other realms of life has shown me that the desire to humiliate others and thus putatively raise one’s cache of social capital—an impulse I can honestly say I’ve never quite understood—is a cardinal trait of many human beings, most of whom are desperately and futilely trying to use these public demonstrations of would-be dominance to very fill large affective holes within their spiritually empty selves. 

Humiliation Ritualized, in Childhood and Politics Read More

Covid climate emergency

Covid Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing


All signs indicate that the U.S. and other world governments want to expand the reach and control of the globalized industrial food system, further concentrating power in the largest Big Food corporations. Governments around the world are using environmental goals to forcibly shut down small farms as they promote dependence on industrial technologies and factory foods that could make climate change and other environmental problems worse.

Covid Emergency, Climate Emergency: Same Thing Read More

end of the emergency

An Analysis of the End of the Emergency


The widely distributed and weaponized fearporn which has driven the gross over-reaction of governments and their citizens (all over the world) was not justified. In retrospect, the global COVIDcrisis agenda and response which has devastated global economies, enabled a massive upwards transfer of wealth, and has been exploited to justify imposition of “The Great Reset” globalist agenda items cannot be justified as a credible and effective “public health” response.

An Analysis of the End of the Emergency Read More

speakeasy world

The Speakeasy World of Covid Lockdowns


In Speakeasy World, people were aware that they lived in a panopticon. But they realized that the one and only guard was probably checking TikTok on his mobile phone during working hours instead of surveilling prisoners. The prisoners made a calculated bet that the guard was not paying attention to their transgressions. 

The Speakeasy World of Covid Lockdowns Read More

Questions for a Congressional Inquiry

Questions for a Congressional Inquiry


Members of the U.S. Congress are conducting such an inquiry, and their efforts require the help of physicians, scientists and public health policy experts to identify key policy decisions and provide a rationale for investigating those policies and the officials and government agencies that devised and implemented them, with the ultimate goal of meaningful reform.

Questions for a Congressional Inquiry Read More

wrecking of New York

The Continued Wrecking of New York City


Saddest of all, masks are still required at nursing homes, so the elderly, in their golden years, continue to be deprived of facial cues and the comfort of smiles, whether they like it or not. This means countless older adults with hearing loss, dementia and other age-related limitations have been forced to live in a faceless, isolated, masked world for nearly three years now; there’s no reason whatsoever it should be that long, yet they have little power to effect change.

The Continued Wrecking of New York City Read More

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