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Is Wellness a Gateway to Right-Wing "Fascism"?

Is Wellness a Gateway to Right-Wing “Fascism?”


This point of view is compelling and articulates much of what the young men and women in the conservative and freedom movements believe. This is why the Guardian is on the offensive. They recognize that the fitness movement in the conservative party is a threat to the very foundation of the socialist regime that they support.

Is Wellness a Gateway to Right-Wing “Fascism?” Read More

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance


Today our concerns about nihilism have less to do with capitalism than with the cynical nihilism evident in the actions orchestrated by the group of multi-billionaires who are hellbent on destroying the lives of the rest of humanity by hook or by crook. These sub-humans evidently hold human lives – in fact, all life-forms – in such low regard, that they did not hesitate to promote bioweapons as legitimate ‘Covid-vaccines,’ while probably knowing full well what the effects of these experimental concoctions would be.

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance Read More

Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy

Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy


DEI’s nonsensical, unsupported claims that phenotype and sexual identity are indispensable components of superior military performance and the intimidating effect of DEI political officers embedded within the cadet wing breed cynicism and psychological fatigue. Recent undercover investigative reporting that exposes blatant corruption within Air Force DEI programs and an admission of DEI’s lack of benefit affirms the negative view of DEI held by most cadets. If the real Air Force is at all similar to the academy experience, then why devote a career to an organization with priorities more in line with Cloward-Piven than the Constitution?

Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy Read More

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later


The contrast between the lockdowns for the virus and the widespread tolerance and encouragement of gatherings to protest racism, followed by lockdowns once those were over, followed by gatherings to celebrate Trump’s defeat, all in the course of one political season, was just too much for many observers. It was this back-and-forth, selective manipulation of public-health messaging that began to unravel the entire Covid regime. It broke the psychology of compulsion and control, and revealed the underlying vacuity of the entire calamity.

BLM Versus Lockdowns: Four Years Later Read More

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now


I therefore appeal to all of you – particularly those who have thus far lived in denial –who read this open letter, to find fortitude, resilience, and above all, courage and faith in yourselves, that we can and will succeed in ridding the world of the wicked coterie of technocratic neo-fascists hiding under the umbrella of the UN, the WEF, and the WHO, so that we can reassert our ethical and political rights and duties toward one another in a world dedicated to peace instead of internecine war at many levels. Humanity has always striven for peace as an ideal; it is worth doing so again.

Open Letter to the People: The Time is Now Read More

Ancient Political Advice for Today's Rulers

Ancient Political Advice for Today’s Rulers


Psy-ops employ a diversity of psychological strategies and techniques to exercise influence over the feelings, thoughts, and behaviour of a selected group, with the obvious goal of persuading the people comprising the latter, usually via various modes of deception, to act in a desired manner. If this sounds familiar, don’t be surprised. It has been carried out on the populations of the world’s countries since at least 2020, and arguably for much longer.

Ancient Political Advice for Today’s Rulers Read More

On the Modern Plight of the Youth

On the Modern Plight of the Youth


By ownership, I don’t just mean physical possessions. As the posts from the younger Brownstone contributors have made clear, it must also mean ownership of, and active participation in: 1) our shared culture; 2) a faith-based connection to the eternal; 3) a revitalization of the family; and, 4) a return to the principals of our Constitutional republic. All of these things are hanging by a thread, and the younger generations are paying, and will continue to pay a very heavy price for as long as these items are not addressed head-on.

On the Modern Plight of the Youth Read More

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