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Peter Hotez

The Great Debate That Will Not Happen


In south Alabama we have an expression: “If you’re scaredsay you’re scared.”

Well, Dr. Peter Hotez – one of the best-known vaccine advocates and defenders of all the Covid mitigation measures – is obviously scared to death. He just needs to come out and admit it.

What scares Dr. Hotez is an invitation for him (Hotez) to debate presidential candidate and contrarian Covid expert Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Joe Rogan’s ultra-popular podcast show.

Apparently, Hotez kept bad-mouthing “disinformation super-spreader” Kennedy and Rogan finally had enough. 

Rogan offered to donate $100,000 to Hotez’s favorite charity if Hotez would just come on his show and, in a debate with no time limits, debate Kennedy on vaccine effectiveness, safety and all the other allegedly “settled” Covid science.

As I write this, the debate invitation has gone viral on Twitter with plenty of other wealthy people (like Steve Kirsch) pledging even more money to make the debate happen. At last look, Dr. Hotez could net $1.5 million for his favorite charity  by simply talking to Kennedy and Rogan for two or so hours.

Talk about easy money.

RFK, Jr. is in 

Needless to say, Kennedy is game for a “congenial” debate and, needless to say, he doesn’t need to be bribed to participate. He’ll do it for free and pay his own expenses to show up in the studio.

Truth be told (there’s that word – “truth”) … Nobody is surprised that Dr. Hotez is running from a genuine debate on Covid topics. This is because no expert in America has participated in a genuine debate on Covid topics in 40 months. 

Apparently, one new feature of our “New Normal” “scientific method” is that real debates are no longer necessary. 

In fact, they are strongly discouraged, which is exactly why Facebook, Google, YouTube, the CDC, “Joe Biden’s” White House and the corporate press have been pushing for censorship on steroids for so long. 

For those who haven’t picked up on this yet, censorship also blocks real debates. 

For almost four years, Hotez and every “expert” and authority of his ilk have been saying that people like Kennedy who are spreading “disinformation” and “misinformation” are potentially killing and harming massive numbers of people with their false Covid claims.

According to the experts, the claims made by Kennedy, Kirsch, Bill Rice, Jr. (and millions of other intelligent “science-deniers”) are ridiculous, preposterous, obviously false, easily discredited, etc. 

Why the fear?

Such claims are interesting as they suggest that any debate with a Covid skeptic would be a lay-up or gimme to win. Even a cave man could humiliate RFK, Jr. in a debate about real science.

So, if victory would be so easy – and if one can make a couple million for his favorite charity – why not do this?

Speaking for myself, I’m tired of accepting the inferred predicate that I’m obtuse when I know I’m not. We all know the answer: The Dr. Hotez’s of the world are scared to death of a real debate.

If this isn’t a giant “tell” about these frauds and charlatans nothing is.

Also, every one of them are pro-censorship.  

Facebook’s army of “content moderators” and Artificial Intelligence algorithms have been censoring content left and right for three-plus years, but Hotez’s cabal of “influencers” are demanding that Congress and the White House make social media companies censor even more content/speech that they don’t like.

The entire justification for North Korea-style censorship is that the disinformation spreaders are harming people. Presumably, Hotez’s noble goal is to save lives and shut up all the “disinformation” spreaders.

Well, what would shut them up more than a pay-per-view prize fight between one of the leading advocates of the Status-Quo narrative and the best known Covid skeptic in the world?

Once Dr. Hotez wipes the floor with Kennedy, every other misinformation super-spreader will crawl back into a cave and keep his mouth shut from here on out.

My side will be disgraced and humiliated … and every neutral person will now know this.

In one fell swoop, the “disinformation” movement will suffer a lethal blow. Millions of lives will be saved because, in the future, everyone will know that Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Anthony Fauci were exactly right with everything they said about Covid.

Not only will Kennedy lose this “science” debate, his hopes of pulling an upset and winning the White House will also go down the toilet. 

Dr. Hotez would be THE hero to all the groups, companies, and bureaucracies who are having nightmares about Kennedy beating their chosen candidate, “Joe Biden.”

Kennedy’s Children Health Defense non-profit, which has been growing by leaps and bounds, would wither and die. 

Everyone would know that not only did the Covid vaccines save millions of lives, they’d also know that the massive spike in autism cases in recent decades had nothing to do with vaccines and the flu vaccine – which is now being questioned by more and more Americans – would once again be perceived as a must-get annual shot.

Hotez could also put to bed the claim that his side is anti-free speech because they would be allowing Kennedy and Rogan to deploy their dad-blasted free speech in said “debate.”

“See, we are NOT censors and we do believe in free speech and genuine debates in our democracy,” Hotez could show the world in this debate.

For all these reasons, it would seem Dr. Hotez and his side would achieve a panoply of positive, life-saving results, with no downside whatsoever.

Maybe, ah, there is a possible down side?

The only downside might be if, Hotez, in fact got annihilated in this debate and every American who witnessed the event started questioning all the claims the experts had made in the last four years (or decades for that matter).

But this scenario can’t be a possibility because the science is so “settled” and Kennedy is such a “wacko” and conspiracy theorist that he would have no chance of prevailing in any debate … right?

Of course, we all know Dr. Hotez knows he’d get his ass whipped in any debate with Kennedy. Fauci knows this, the New York Times knows this, Bill Gates knows this, every commentator at MSNBC and CNN knows this. 

“Whatever you do, do NOT debate Robert Kennedy on Covid topics!” they are all now screaming at Dr. Hotez. 

If the debate is held, it will set Internet ratings records. The fact that Hotez is running from said debate is already giving another huge boost to the presidential campaign of RFK, Jr, who is having no trouble going around the MSM “gatekeepers of the news,” who all despise and fear him.

In fact, that’s another reason the debate can’t be allowed. It’s almost a given that RFK, Jr. would go off on the captured mainstream press in said debate.

Dr. Hotez would be the one defending the credibility of the New York Times and singing the praises of Big Pharma, which has of course always been as honest as the day is long.

If enough Americans keep calling Dr. Hotez a sissy, maybe this will goad the previously cocky doctor into taking the bait and actually debating Kennedy.

If so, this might qualify as a game-changer and give the world its very first honest discussion of Covid policies. It might also help elect a president who genuinely wants to dismantle the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Surveillance Complex and the Science/Medicine/Big Pharma Industrial Complex.

But my bet is Dr. Hotez won’t debate.

There’s another expression we’ve all heard: “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Well, in our surreal New-Normal times, apparently the experts and authorities CAN run and they can hide. That’s what they’ve been doing for 40 months and, as far as I can tell, they’re all still in power. So that strategy is working perfectly.

Republished from the author’s Substack

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