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The Waiting-For-Pandemic Cult of Biodefense


Yuval Noah Harari is a leading ideologue of the wannabe one-world government criminal cartel and the WEF’s favorite mouthpiece. His main message seems to be that humans can be technologically captured, controlled, and “hacked” or manipulated and thus enslaved to serve the WEF/WHO controlling uber-class. 

I was alerted to this video by a reader. In this TED talk from 2015 Harari postulates that humans, as opposed to animals, are unique in their capacity to believe fictional stories, and thus can be controlled via the narrative, via fiction, as long as everyone believes the same story. According to him, the idea of humans having a soul and free will is “over.” Therefore via this method you can make people cooperate with their own demise (even in lining up to be injected with poison) via mass brainwashing and narrative control.

Humans do fall for nonsense, and in fact, we seem to crave it. We love good stories, imaginative, aspirational ones, hero journeys, romances, whodunit (the genre of this Substack), or the sci-fi stories of technological advances. The sci-fi fantasies are highly popular. They are indeed so popular that for the most part, the general public and most of the professionals cannot distinguish legitimate science from the imaginary sci-fi narratives anymore, and this became plainly obvious during the current fake “global pandemic” years.

We also love scary stories! Looming prospects of fake invisible catastrophes seem to be perennially in vogue. Here is a great book I recommend on this topic by Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace. To quote:

“A while back it dawned on me that the great majority of scare stories about the present and future state of the planet, and humanity as a whole, are based on subjects that are either invisible, extremely remote, or both. Thus, the vast majority of people have no way of observing and verifying for themselves the truth of these claims predicting these alleged catastrophes and devastating threats. Instead, they must rely on the activists, the media, the politicians, and the scientists – all of whom have a very large financial and/or political stake in the subject – to tell them the truth. This welcomes the opportunity to simply invent narratives such as the claim that “CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels are causing a climate emergency.”

No one can actually see, or in any way sense, what CO2 might actually be doing because it is invisible, odorless, tasteless, silent and cannot be felt by the sense of touch. Therefore, it is difficult to refute such claims because there is nothing to point to and tangibly expose the falsity of these claims.”

There is a bit of a problem with overused narratives. Climate change narrative is becoming harder to maintain as Greta Thunberg is now past the expiration date for a child actor, polar bears refuse to cooperate and keep multiplying, and the glaciers are not melting away like Al Gore promised. UFOs and aliens can only get us so far.

New fear narratives must be established: the narrative of “emerging” novel viruses has been in the works for years. Scary invisible viruses that can pounce out of a jungle any minute and are just a plane ride away from infecting half the planet with a lethal new pathogen! Even more exciting is the prospect of evil scientists making new deadly and super-spreading viruses in labs that can “leak.”

The Government mafia (HHS, NIH, DOD, DARPA, BARDA, DTRA, etc, etc,) and their vassals in academia, the biopharma industry, and media have all been feeding at the “biodefense” money trough for decades. What can be better than an invisible threat to justify printing and spending truckloads of money for mega-defense/research contracts, while flying to the global champagne-caviar events and giving each other diverse-inclusive-sustainable science awards?

Debbie Lerman, a journalist, in her recent article for Brownstone, points out the time and money spent by the military-industrial cartel’s scam of “biodefense and pandemic preparedness.” There are some eye-watering dollar amounts described in a Lancet paper she referenced “Biodefense Research Two Decades Later: Worth the Investment?”

“Prior to 2001, annual US biodefense funding totaled an estimated $700,000,000. Following the incidents of 2001, the worldwide surge in biodefense-related funding was largely spurred by the realization that many countries were not prepared for bioterrorism attacks. The 2001 US Amerithrax attack revealed shortcomings in medical countermeasure availability through the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), the laboratory response network system, public health infrastructure, and communication.”

Many of the funding programs were associated with the US federal government. A $1,000,000,000 program was implemented in the US in 2002 in the form of bioterrorism preparedness grants, biodefense research funding, and medical countermeasure stockpiling within the Department of Health and Human Services. Additional notable post-2001 US biodefense funding efforts include the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Biowatch Program (2001), The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) preparedness program, the DHS’s Project Bioshield (2004), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA; 2006), and the National Bio and Agro Defense Facility (2014). 

These programs typically address matters outside of biodefense, such as public health, national and international security, and healthcare issues, adding to their broader impact. Total US biodefense funding dramatically increased from ~$700,000,000 in 2001 to ~$4,000,000,000 spent in 2002; the peak of funding in 2005 was worth nearly $8,000,000,000 and continued with steady average spending around $5,000,000,000.

In 2019, the global biodefense market was valued at $12,200,000,000 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.8% from 2020–2027, resulting in a projected market value of $19,800,000,000 in 2027. Factors such as sustained government and private funding resources driven by the looming threat of bioterrorism and the recent occurrence of natural outbreaks of bioterror-related pathogens including Coxiella burnetii, Ebola virus (EBOV), SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and Lassa virus are likely major contributors to the ever-expanding global biodefense market.

And what were those billions devoted to? In a 2003 abstract entitled “Expanded Biodefense Role for the National Institutes of Health” Dr. Anthony Fauci articulates his biodefense  vision: “the goal within the next 20 years is to have ‘bug to drug’ within 24 hours. This would meet the challenge of genetically engineered bioagents.”

Many events have been capitalized on by the growing behemoth of the government-industry cartel over time. Policymaking in the past 20 years increasingly aimed to set up regulations to maximize the ruling powers of authorities by simultaneously eradicating existing laws and constitutional checks to set them free of any responsibilities and install de-facto martial law. Each policy was installed after so-called “events” which were used to introduce new “Acts.” 

It is legitimate to have the possibility in mind that it may have been also the other way around – they installed the events to justify new “Acts” – after each “attack” a new more authoritarian legislation was shaped and put in place to fit the totalitarian agenda.

The narrative of biodefense/biosecurity articulated by Fauci is totally bogus of course. Viral pandemics do not happen in reality, despite decades of very busy and crowded international traffic (have you experienced Ryan Air?).

Ok, maybe scary viruses won’t jump naturally from the jungle, but surely they will one day “emerge” from a Dr. Evil’s laboratory? Here is Ralph Baric “predicting” in 2016 that Wuhan Virus 1 SARS-Co-V was prepped and ready to “emerge” from his lab at UNC Chapel Hill. Our Congress is still searching for a “leak” in Wuhan. Hello! Congress!

Giant amounts of money, investors, resources, projects, studies, research grants, conferences, round tables, TED talks, policy committees, Congressional acts, lots of lawyering and lobbying, tabletop simulations – an entire $19 billion/year industry is awaiting THE BIG ONE someday. Thousands of adults participating in this make-believe play eventually must start to fully believe it in order to cope with a massive soul-destroying cognitive dissonance. 

The ones that can’t stomach this due to a functioning moral compass, quit and go to work elsewhere. What starts as a B-movie script (Dustin Hoffman chasing an escaped monkey with tanks and helicopters), through the alignment of individual economic incentives and narratives, grows into an ideology and subsequently into a full-fledged religion. Thus, a dangerous cult is born – The Cult of Waiting for Pandemic of the Church of Biodefense.

The numerous state, military and private investors who backed the biodefense narrative, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation among hundreds of private, sovereign, and non-profit funds that plowed all that cash into the “biodefense” are waiting for the returns!

From the same Lancet paper:

“Fifteen years later, with no such fantastical platform in sight, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) published an updated medical countermeasure plan in 2017 entitled “Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold.” Instead of Fauci’s 24 hours from bug to drug, this plan tells us “DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less.”

If the Big One doesn’t show up, the cult is going to try to “assist” it.

Many attempts were made at starting pandemics from local “outbreaks:” SARS1, MERS, zika, ebola – but nothing spread. Characters like Michael Callahan, a swashbuckling Indiana Jones-type epidemiologist and reported CIA agent, always “first on the scene” of exotic “outbreaks,” chasing Ebola patients through the jungle with “vaccines” seems to be not enough to produce a pandemic. Even fear porn propaganda in the media fizzles out. They play with soups of “chimeric viruses” in petri dishes funded by billions in NIH grants, fund many contract biolabs in China, Ukraine, and the Middle East, but nothing simultaneously dangerous and highly transmissible results. Why?

You may believe in billions of years of evolution, but my preferred explanation is that God’s cannot be improved upon. All life forms, from humans to microorganisms, are in the state of perfect dynamic equilibrium for this moment in time, as dictated by physical laws. Biological pathogens are already fully optimized for this state, too, by billions of years of work or by God’s genius design, whatever you want to believe. 

They are either contagious (a fuzzy term as there are vague and conflicting explanations of contagion mechanisms in science), or they are deadly, in which case they don’t spread much. Artificially making a biological pathogen more deadly and more transmissible is impossible, because, if it were possible, it would have happened already in nature, and then we would not be around to discuss this on the internet. 

If it were possible with lab techniques, it would have already been successfully deployed by a state or non-state actor since 1969 when biological pathogen research really took off. 

There are 1,000+ “biodefense” labs in the world today, many in third-world countries with lax or nonexistent safety standards, or even war-torn places like Ukraine – yet nothing of note “leaks” anywhere. Certainly nothing leaked and went global until the WHO decided that covid should.

Lab-“emerging pathogens” seem to need a lot of help to emerge, i.e. get synthesized, manufactured at scale and deployed, and even then they are not particularly dangerous (except with very large exposure), and are treatable. Biological toxins are known to be unstable, denature quickly, are somewhat more persistent indoors but they do not pose mass lethal danger. 

Just like any chemical toxin, they pose individual/localized danger. These substances are not “alive and replicating particles” any more than the poison oak is – yes you can get it from your dog and give it to your family members, and the bugger will stay on your clothes and is hard to get rid of! But poison of poison oak is not an infectious virus that “jumps” from dogs to humans; it’s a biological toxin in plant oils.

In my opinion, the Ohio train explosion is much more dangerous to a lot more people over a larger area and longer period of time than any “bioweapon lab leak.”

All natural biological pathogens are already perfectly optimized and balanced and cannot be “modified,” despite the sci-fi narratives of hackable “software of life” and gene splicing. No complex life form can be “genetically modified” and continue as a viable life form, because that modification will interfere with its living balance, and deviate it from the perfect current state of equilibrium. In multicellular organisms, you have to modify all cells (not possible with single injection), and keep modifying all of them in perpetuity. 

Once injected with “gene-modifying” juice, the body frantically tries to figure out WTF just happened (FDA calls it “immunogenicity”), tries to undo the assault by eliminating the damaged cells (FDA calls it “reactogenicity”), and if the assault was large enough or with multiple injections – the body will destroy itself (CDC calls it “misinformation”).

These “gene modification” narratives are simply stupid talk. All that can result from any such attempts is either the organism defeats and clears the assault from foreign material inside the cells, or local/systemic damage results, leading to injury or death. That’s why all mRNA/DNA technologies failed despite 20+ years of attempts and gazillions plowed in by the biodefense cult of doomsday.

People promoting the gene modification narratives reduce the human body to a “bucket of sequenced genes” but cannot even begin to explain how it functions normally as a living being. They exclude the possibility of human soul, spirit and free will, but cannot explain nor define the normal state of life. 

Yet, they claim they can control and modify it! They do not understand what humans are, and that’s a massive point of failure when they attempt to “capture, control and subjugate” humans, whether by brute force as in previous centuries of warfare, or by the Harari’s “fictional narrative control” of the 5th generation one.

Don’t fall for doom cults and their false narratives. When we are not afraid to seek the truth, we cannot be captured, controlled or enslaved. Once you understand this, you see Harari as not a powerful technocrat, but what he really is – a clown with a whiny voice, spinning idiotic narratives for his masters. They already failed anyway because the truth is coming out day by day. They had a good run of it but their plans utterly flopped and left devastation in their wake. 

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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  • Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical R&D executive. She worked in the industry for 25 years, and ultimately owned and managed several contract research organizations working on clinical trials for 60+pharma companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, J&J, GSK, Novartis and many others. She worked many years in cardiovascular safety assessments and interacted with the FDA and other regulatory agencies on these matters on behalf of her clients and as part of the FDA Cardiovascular Safety Research Consortium.

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