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Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People”


Does it seem normal to you that, in a dramatic reversal of historically predominant moral logic, the press harshly questions those who most want to preserve the social fabric and the existing rhythms of life while they lionize those who most seek to disrupt it?

Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People” Read Journal Article

fear of a microbial planet

“Fear”: One Year Later


I set out to understand why people were behaving in a way that would’ve been seen as unhinged just weeks before. I could see everyone becoming germophobes, and I wondered if that behavior, once ingrained in the population, would ever go away. Could I reason people out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into? Probably not, but there were other people I admired trying, and I couldn’t just stand idle. So I decided to write a book, an idea that became Fear of a Microbial Planet.

“Fear”: One Year Later Read Journal Article

hundred flowers bloom

Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom – Always!


The pandemic has shown us that research outputs can be statistical artefacts, made to order for an agenda. The most blatant example of this is the claim that the vaccines are 95 percent effective, which continues to be made even though 95 percent of people in the US have been infected. Both these facts cannot be true. If this fundamental brick turns out not to be objective truth, what else can we rely on? 

Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom – Always! Read Journal Article

Enough With These Dangerous Calculations

Enough With These Dangerous Calculations


All of which underscores the more general point: government and its connected scientists simply cannot be trusted with this kind of power. The last experience illustrates why people like Barry, and many others besides, cannot and should not be trusted with power. We have laws and guaranteed liberties that can never be taken away, not even during a pandemic. It is never worth ruining lives to fulfill anyone’s abstract vision of what constitutes the greater good.

Enough With These Dangerous Calculations Read Journal Article

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