Search Results for: %5C%22Covid+Crimes%5C%22

Compassion Unhinged: The Robespierres of Lockdownism


For the Robespierres of lockdownism, the object of pity became those “vulnerable” to Covid, and set against this “more touching calamity” the needs of other classes – chiefly children and the poor – were held to count for little. Indeed, the members of those classes could be visited with all manner of cruelties given the bigger goal the lockdown proponents hoped to achieve.

Compassion Unhinged: The Robespierres of Lockdownism Read More

Brownstone Institute - Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight: Part Two

Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight: Part Two


It is eminently apparent, given all the information in this article, and in the preceding Part 1, that the BioNTach/Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccines were developed, manufactured, and authorized under military laws reserved for emergency situations involving biological warfare/terrorism, not naturally occurring diseases affecting the entire civilian population. 

Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight: Part Two Read More

What Covid Crimes Will Victims Not Forgive?


The struggle against this darkness will surely take many years. Who and what will keep that struggle alive? What hurt will fuel the fight, keeping the fires of resentment burning, and what hurt – real as it may have been – will fade over time and hence be only a weak ally of the soldiers of the resistance?

What Covid Crimes Will Victims Not Forgive? Read More


The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons


No Pharaoh, no king, no feudal lord, and certainly no political party has ever before claimed that they own the air and that the mere act of breathing by the citizenry was an assault that must be managed by a police state. Yet that is the central claim of Pan, Fauci, and the public health bureaucracy and the idea that drives vaccine mandates, masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and the rest of the modern Fascist Pharma State.

The Rise of Pharma Fascism and the Ruination of the Commons Read More

Why Is the Supreme Court Disregarding Individual Rights?


The justices on the Supreme Court (and lots of elected officials) claim that they could not possibly decide weighty scientific matters and then they punt to people who know even less than them (corrupt bureaucrats or Special Masters) — entirely bypassing the system set up by our founders — ordinary citizens, on juries, using common sense and reason. 

Why Is the Supreme Court Disregarding Individual Rights? Read More

The First Amendment Cannot Stop Pavel Durov’s Arrest in America

The First Amendment Cannot Stop Pavel Durov’s Arrest in America


Parties that once dedicated themselves to free expression are now the leading proponents of “content moderation.” The Washington Post reported that “authorities detained Durov as part of a preliminary investigation that focused on the lack of content moderation on Telegram.”

The First Amendment Cannot Stop Pavel Durov’s Arrest in America Read More

Why Did Covid Enforcement Target Religion?


Religious persons today are a threat, but not to public safety as the narrative instructs us. They are a threat to the idea that the state is to be worshipped above all else, to the religion that’s trying to take their place, to the idea that it’s possible to find a compelling and complete sense of meaning outside of the state.

Why Did Covid Enforcement Target Religion? Read More


How I Was Canceled by


I created a Meetup group called “Covid Contrarians” in New York City. The idea was just to meet other people like me, who thought our governments were overreacting to the Covid situation. My big plan was no more than, get together and schmooze over coffee or a beer. The group lasted a few weeks before Meetup declared that it was spreading misinformation, and erased it from the website.

How I Was Canceled by Read More

Renaissance Man Reborn

Renaissance Man Reborn


Specialization is often a deception. Years of training, education, and study easily ensnare the mind into an arrogance built on the precipice of expertise. However, without continued study of other areas in which one is merely an apprentice or a novice, the mind’s sleuthing abilities become dulled. Worse, because of the status an expert tends to hold, others will project that expertise onto areas the expert has no knowledge — even when the expert will directly contradict that idea.

Renaissance Man Reborn Read More

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