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Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People”


Does it seem normal to you that, in a dramatic reversal of historically predominant moral logic, the press harshly questions those who most want to preserve the social fabric and the existing rhythms of life while they lionize those who most seek to disrupt it?

Contrived Spectacles of “Protecting and Caring for the People” Read More

lies my government told me

Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me


This book is intended to serve as a first draft of an alternative dissenting version of history, as a recitation of the lies and harms that have been inflicted on all of us, and a means to help you make sense out of the bewildering array of lived events. My hope is that it will also help us all process our collective experiences, and will help us to derive lessons and identify actions that we might take to move towards a better future, informed by this global experience which we have all shared.

Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me Read More

Hope in the Heart of Winter

Hope in the Heart of Winter


Hiraeth may, indeed, embody a romantic, and at times overly mythical, sense of melancholy. But it is also a longing for some sort of vision conjured from the memory or from the imagination. In short, it is a longing for something for some sort of treasured ideal—and that ideal just might help us begin to imagine, and then to construct, the kind of world we do want to inhabit.

Hope in the Heart of Winter Read More

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False


Portraying the crimes of states and authorities as accidents at work is welcome because it resonates with how most people would wish the world to be. We do not want to believe that authoritative bodies purposefully commit psychopathic deeds. The thought that our decision-makers would have introduced vaccine passes despite knowing that the injections did not protect against the spread of infection is horrible.

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False Read More

Atlantic Council Takes Up the Censorship Sword 


Why would such a group all gather specifically around the question of “disinformation”? Is disinformation truly at such a level that it requires bringing together the world’s most popular author with military and intelligence leaders, the world’s biggest PR company, journalists, billionaires, Big Tech and more? Or is this work to build the case that there is a disinformation crisis, to then justify the creation of a massive infrastructure for censorship? A glimpse of the agenda offers clues.

Atlantic Council Takes Up the Censorship Sword  Read More

“Hallucinations, Nightmares, Despair, Longing for Human Contact” ~ Letter to Editor


I was not prepared for the absolute horror of being alone and no longer trusting that doctors actually wanted me to live. As I became increasingly lethargic and disoriented, I kept trying to be my own advocate and begging for the right to try medicine and vitamins that I had researched and knew would help me. 

“Hallucinations, Nightmares, Despair, Longing for Human Contact” ~ Letter to Editor Read More

Plagues and the Unleashing of Power


We can see the long arm of history reaching from the times of the Black Death to modern epidemics, where coercion and state control are accepted by a terrified public and conveniently deemed by a power-hungry elite to be the only acceptable way to combat natural disasters, even at the risk of tremendous and unnecessary collateral damage.

Plagues and the Unleashing of Power Read More

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