Search Results for: totalitarian

Brownstone Institute - The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America

The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America


Today, they are actively trying to bulldoze the Constitution, believing that they have achieved a critical mass of support to carry this out successfully. They may be right. However, if they are successful, the useful idiots who created the critical mass will become nothing but useless eaters, once the progressive goals are achieved, and a totalitarian state is firmly in place. Hopefully, these people will realize before it’s too late that this will not improve their quality of life (QI), and as such, are not good national or individual trajectories.

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They Are Still Defending Lockdowns


Stay-at-home orders in real life become a class-protection scheme to keep high-end laptop professionals shielded from the virus while imposing the burden of exposure on people who have no option but to be out and about. In other words, the working classes are effectively forced to bear the burden of herd immunity, while the rich and financially secure stay safe and wait for the pandemic to pass. 

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Pandemics: A Business Opportunity

Pandemics: A Business Opportunity


For most of the rest of humanity – those not heavily invested in Pharma or software and those concerned about human rights – the future does not look so rosy. We are supposed to provide the money that ends up in the hands of the people running it all. That is how profiteering works. So we will have to put things right, because they obviously won’t. Now that it is all written out for us in the WHO documents and we are aware of the money transfers of the past few years, we no longer have any excuse to ignore it.

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Defeat the Mandates

What I Saw at the DC Rally


During one of the speeches, I can’t remember which, we were implored to turn to a neighbor, and give them a hug. After the first, most obvious hug in such a situation, people often stop, having fulfilled their social duty. But everyone it seemed was looking for a third, and a fourth, making up perhaps, for lost time. 

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Lawmaking Is Catch Me If You Can


There aren’t enough lawyers like me to fight all of the stunningly illegal regulations and laws that our government is churning out at record rates. Even if there were an abundance of like-minded attorneys, the other problem is that lawsuits take time, a lot of time. And, lawsuits take money. And whilst the lawsuits are being fought, people are being injured in the interim. It’s not sustainable. We need to change the paradigm!

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