Search Results for: totalitarian

Brownstone Institute - So Long Ago That It Never Really Happened

So Long Ago That It Never Really Happened


As election season rolls on and the nation looks set for an election re-match between the mandate ordering Joseph Biden and the lockdown ordering Donald Trump, a sense of nostalgia for a lost and forgotten era has creeped into my thoughts. For my nostalgia’s sake at least, that was a long time ago, and it never really happened anyway.

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The Book We Need and Only Justin Hart Could Write 


Hart is one of the few intellectuals who was correct about the whole hullabaloo from the very beginning. Therefore he doesn’t need to embark among some silly dance in which restrictions were fine in the beginning but later became too much. Nope: he kept his wits about him the whole time. Thus does he have the credibility to write without apologies. 

The Book We Need and Only Justin Hart Could Write  Read More


The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World


Whether in America, Australia, Ireland, Germany, or Italy, Western Civilization is under the onslaught by totalitarians on a number of different fronts, and to date they are winning hands down. Having lived in a totalitarian regime, I (and others) recognize all the signs. Frankly, the future is bleak. 

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Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters


Digital Brownshirts are just the most visible and forward-leaning elements of a much broader effort to install the logic of the algorithm—a providential and vertically-imposed concept of truth that vitiates traditional fact-finding and admits neither human intelligence nor scientific debate—as a cornerstone of our human interactions and cognitive processes.

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The Missing Progressive Jewish Response


Our response to the pandemic not only elevated false authority, built on ideas disconnected from the realities of human existence, and not only did it create a system of idolatry, of symbols which were used to mediate this authority; but furthermore that system of idolatry was welcomed in and installed within the very hearts of Jewish communities, and therefore in many ways we directly relived that destruction ourselves, which is so powerfully described in the Book of Lamentations.

The Missing Progressive Jewish Response Read More

Brownstone Institute - France Teeters on the Brink

France Teeters on the Brink


If Article 4 becomes law, the French government will have openly declared itself as totalitarian. The effects will ripple across Europe. For centuries, even long before the European Union, the fate of Europe has often been like a chain of dominoes, with France or Germany usually the first one tipped over. Can France – and Europe – be saved?

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