Search Results for: totalitarian

It Was Birx. All Birx.


The only way to make sense of these contradictions within Birx’s narrative and between her, Atlas and Pottinger’s stories, is if we understand “align with us” and “our recommendations” to refer not to the perceived Birx-Fauci-Redfield troika, but to the Birx-Pottinger-lab leak cabal that was actually running the show. 

It Was Birx. All Birx. Read More

The Covid Cult’s Attack on Science and Society


There will always be a new variant, there will always be a new mandate, and there will always be the new carrot dangling on the stick in front of your face (like the booster jab) only to be pulled away again. You can acquiesce to this conditioning and reorganize your entire life around the principle of avoiding this one pathogen while giving up all expectations of freedom. Or you can resist the propaganda, get informed, and join with those who are working to rebuild after the disaster of the last year and a half. 

The Covid Cult’s Attack on Science and Society Read More

What Were Lockdowners Thinking? A Review of Jeremy Farrar


Every age has generated some fashionable and overriding reason why people cannot be free. Public health is the reason of the moment. In this author’s telling, everything we think we know about the social and political order must conform to his number one priority of pathogen avoidance and suppression, while every other concern (such as freedom itself) should take a back seat. 

What Were Lockdowners Thinking? A Review of Jeremy Farrar Read More

CIA Covid Propaganda

Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda


The terrifying takeaways from this analysis are: First, that what Lewis is hiding – or trying to divert attention away from – is the massive CIA involvement in the Covid response. Second, that the intelligence and national security leaders who were in charge of the Covid response did not just censor information that contradicted their narrative; they also recruited widely trusted voices – including internationally renowned authors – to disseminate their propaganda.

Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda Read More


Wait! There’s a Pandemic?


Before Covid-19 there had been other pandemics. But in the past 100 years, with the exception of the Spanish flu in 1918, the other pandemics came and went without much notice for the majority of the world’s population. For example, much press coverage of the first SARS in 2003 neglected to report there were only 774 total deaths worldwide. Likewise, the heightened reporting of the 2012 MERS pandemic failed to summarize that there were only 858 total deaths. In contrast, recurring influenza strains kill an average of 400,000 people worldwide each year. 

Wait! There’s a Pandemic? Read More

churches during lockdowns

Churches During Lockdowns: Near Disaster 


The compassion-hacking of American churches did not in itself save anyone’s life, but it did help to break down another civil-society barrier standing in the way of governmental totalization. As Hannah Arendt warned us, authoritarian and totalitarian schemes do not work without mass buy-in from the constituency. Buy-in requires people to be isolated, lonely, atomized, and stripped of all meaning.

Churches During Lockdowns: Near Disaster  Read More

This Is No Path to Happiness 


We’ve provided you deplorables with bread and circuses and still you’re ungrateful, unmanageable and generally a major pain in the ass. But we’ve found out how to use new technologies–such as subscription vaccines–combined with never-ending manufactured crises for the purpose of controlling you.

This Is No Path to Happiness  Read More

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