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What Does the Pandemic Treaty Do?


The Pandemic Treaty is everything the WHO has already been doing—but more of it. So what’s actually at stake if the treaty is passed? Everything. The real significance of the Pandemic Treaty is that its passage is a ratification and approval of everything the world has experienced over the past two years during COVID-19.

What Does the Pandemic Treaty Do? Read Journal Article

Are We Too Ready for the Next Pandemic?


We need desperately to rethink the panicked ideology that consumed the nation last year and still consumes the world today. Liberty and health go together. These plans to eradicate the next germ to come along eradicate instead everything we love about life, namely its liberty and our rights to choose.

Are We Too Ready for the Next Pandemic? Read Journal Article

Anatomy of the Administrative State: The HHS 


Across two administrations led by presidents who have championed very different worldviews, HHS COVID policies have continued with little or no change; one administration seemingly flowing directly into the next with hardly a hiccough. If anything, under Biden the HHS arm of the US administrative state became more authoritarian, more unaccountable, and more decoupled from any need to consider the general social and economic consequences of their actions. As this has progressed, the HHS bureaucracy has become increasingly obsequious and deferential to the economic interests of the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex. 

Anatomy of the Administrative State: The HHS  Read Journal Article

lab leak

The Lab Leak and the Counter Measures: What Really Happened


Some have argued that it was the powerful forces backing the vaccines, without reference to or need for a lab leak, that set the whole Covid disaster in motion. There is also some resistance to the idea that the entire Covid disaster was – and still is – a conspiracy of the international biodefense network. I would contend that the only explanation for the cascade of Covid events is that it began with a lab leak that required a cover-up, and that those involved in the cover-up were those who dictated and benefited from the response.

The Lab Leak and the Counter Measures: What Really Happened Read Journal Article

Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for?

Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for?


Continuously conflating the concept of pandemic preparedness and PHEIC only creates confusion while obscuring the obvious political processes involved. If the WHO wants to convince the world to prepare for pandemics, and calm down fears of potential misuse of the pandemic label via a new governance process, then they need to provide clarity on what they are actually talking about.

Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for? Read Journal Article

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