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The Duplicitous Dr. Fauci and His Backpedaling


Fauci denies that he had anything to do with school closures, but the record is clear that he advocated against schools opening in areas where the coronavirus was spreading (which was everywhere), and if they did open, there needed to be face masks, and social distancing, and test-to-stay, and quarantining of healthy people who sat too close to someone who tested positive, and onerous sanitizing, and on and on. The Covid measures for children in school, and college students, were expensive, miserable, and unnecessary, as their age groups are at almost zero risk for serious Covid infection.

The Duplicitous Dr. Fauci and His Backpedaling Read Journal Article

2024 Brownstone Institute Books and Publications

Where We Are Now


The influence of this work has been extremely broad and deep throughout the world. And keep in mind, we were only founded in May 2021 and still only have the tiniest of staff, with a budget that is a miniscule fraction of what major think tanks in Washington and elsewhere spend every year, to say nothing of the Gates Foundation and government agencies. The experience absolutely proves that one dedicated group of people can do so much with just a little. 

Where We Are Now Read Journal Article

Urgent Pandemic Messaging of WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base

Urgent Pandemic Messaging of the WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base


Disproportionate pandemic preparedness based on these false premises risks a significant opportunity cost through unnecessary diversion of financial and political resources away from global health priorities of higher burden.

Urgent Pandemic Messaging of the WHO, World Bank, and G20 is Inconsistent with Their Evidence Base Read Journal Article

Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy


Ultimately picking weak spokespeople is a broader strategy that undermines debate itself and encourages rampant groupthink, which itself is the defining quality of our media response. If you pick a weak debater to argue the other side, it makes it easy for you to entrench in your own pre-existing belief. It is a cheap tactic.

Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy Read Journal Article

My role against mandates, lockdowns, and tyranny

My Role in the Fight Against Mandates and Lockdowns


It became very clear that we needed an agile platform that is not mired in bureaucracy or easily intimidated by external forces. Such an organization also needed experienced hands who know about the challenges of public life in a digital age alongside the many considerations that go into surviving as a voice of dissent in times of grave censorship.

My Role in the Fight Against Mandates and Lockdowns Read Journal Article

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within


I’m not saying Deborah Birx is a CCP agent. I’m just saying that if she was an agent for Xi Jinping’s stated goal of gradually stripping the world of “independent judiciaries,” “human rights,” “western freedom,” “civil society,” and “freedom of the press,” then every word of her book would read like that of Silent Invasion. If she did do it, this is how it would have happened.

Deborah Birx’s Guide to Destroying A Country From Within Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Our 'Leaders' Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures

Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures


What are you doing to prepare for Disease X? If you are like most people, probably nothing. This is likely the first you are hearing of Disease X. However, if you spent mid-January in Davos, your answer may have included improving healthcare infrastructure, investing in vaccines, and promoting a pandemic treaty that may or may not threaten state sovereignty around the globe.

Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures Read Journal Article

Why Give the Nobel to WHO When Xi Jinping Inspired the Global Lockdowns?


Some believe this is a feat worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. I, not-so-respectfully, disagree. However, one point we can all agree on is that credit for these policies should be given to the man whom we truly have to thank for their conception: Xi Jinping.

Why Give the Nobel to WHO When Xi Jinping Inspired the Global Lockdowns? Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Feel-Good Leftist Abstractions Destroy Communities

Feel-Good Leftist Abstractions Destroy Communities


So yes, it is undoubtedly true that since the French Revolution, if not before, the political Left has been plagued by an unfortunate tendency to impose unproven and abstract new ideas upon society through coercive means. They generally do so because they, not entirely wrongly, see tradition mostly in terms of its ability to stymie man’s ceaseless gift for improving (or is it divinizing?) himself and the overall condition of the world. 

Feel-Good Leftist Abstractions Destroy Communities Read Journal Article

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