REPPARE Progress: September 2024
The REPPARE project is just over the midway point. This document outlines progress made and some of the key impacts it has had so far. We have broken down the update into key categories.
The REPPARE project is just over the midway point. This document outlines progress made and some of the key impacts it has had so far. We have broken down the update into key categories.
We are left with questions. Why was Girish Navani appointed to Governor Baker’s Reopening Advisory Board in 2020? How much did Navani make from this deal? How many public officials are invested in Navani’s company?
A German “Citizens Council” has submitted recommendations to the German Ministry of the Interior calling, among other things, for the potential criminalisation of “disinformation”.
German “Citizens Council” Wants to Criminalize Disinformation Read Journal Article
In its current iteration, bird flu has caused no widespread human illness, no human deaths, and sporadic outbreaks in farm animal populations. However, it could be applied to disrupt the November 5 US Presidential election.
Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise? Read Journal Article
The bill outsources truth policing to social media platforms on the pain of having to pay up to 5% of their annual revenue if they fail to comply. The result is sure to be a massive chilling effect.
The Australian Government Reboots the Misinformation Bill Read Journal Article
Today, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland tabled a new version of the bill which is intended to “carefully balance the public interest in combatting seriously harmful misinformation and disinformation with the freedom of expression that is so fundamental to our democracy.”
ACMA’s Role in Australia’s Censorship Campaign Read Journal Article
To show how the pandemic response was centrally coordinated, I will provide an overview of how it took place in different countries and how nearly identical each country’s response was. I will then delve into the goals of the pandemic planners.
Coordination of the Global Pandemic Response Read Journal Article
There is likely another wave of inflation coming. This time it will meet with a promise to use every coercive power of government to prevent increases in prices on groceries and rents.
Politicians and their media partners don’t acknowledge mistakes, they don’t take responsibility for their actions. The only way these policies ever permanently end is if more people in positions of power such as Perrottet admit they were wrong.
The Covid story is not about a single public health event run by a few individuals. It is not a consequence of any one country’s internal politics. It is, I believe, a precautionary chapter in a much larger global saga.
Global Convergence and the Coronavirus Trigger Read Journal Article
While avoiding accountability, the UN and world leaders intend to approve a set of 3 political, non-binding documents: i) a Pact for the Future, ii) a Declaration on Future Generations, and iii) a Global Digital Compact.
Three New Pacts to Be Approved at the UN Summit Read Journal Article
The UN committee approved the text of the Convention on Combating Cybercrime. Human rights organizations and information technology experts have called it a threat to democracy and the free world.
The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime Read Journal Article