
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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Brownstone Institute - It's Time for Left and Right to Unite

It’s Time for Left and Right to Unite


More than our sense of self politically is the importance of reflecting on how we can be service to our country. The same is true for these candidates as well. They both have something to offer this country; so let us utilize them both. And I hope they both look within themselves as well, to remove any sense of a personal ideal that may stand in the way of a unique opportunity to serve all Americans; I hope that the ‘perfect’ won’t stand in the way of ‘the good’ of actually saving our nation.

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Brownstone Institute - The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America

The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America


Today, they are actively trying to bulldoze the Constitution, believing that they have achieved a critical mass of support to carry this out successfully. They may be right. However, if they are successful, the useful idiots who created the critical mass will become nothing but useless eaters, once the progressive goals are achieved, and a totalitarian state is firmly in place. Hopefully, these people will realize before it’s too late that this will not improve their quality of life (QI), and as such, are not good national or individual trajectories.

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Brownstone Institute - Our 'Leaders' Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures

Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures


What are you doing to prepare for Disease X? If you are like most people, probably nothing. This is likely the first you are hearing of Disease X. However, if you spent mid-January in Davos, your answer may have included improving healthcare infrastructure, investing in vaccines, and promoting a pandemic treaty that may or may not threaten state sovereignty around the globe.

Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures Read More

Brownstone Institute - Can Federalising Central Governments Fix...Federalism?

Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism?


The US, Australia, and the EU each started out as federalist ideas with extremely independent constituent states, and with constitutions that made the rise of a large central government illegal and impossible. Yet, in all three places, the federalist project has failed, and a giant central bureaucracy has arisen that is strangling the life out of both states and country, as we have opined previously. How did this hostile takeover happen, and how do we create a new federalism that is resistant to becoming a monster all over again?

Can Federalising Central Governments Fix…Federalism? Read More

Brownstone Institute - The WHO and Phony International Law

The WHO and Phony International Law 


A new pandemic treaty is in the works. Countries are negotiating its terms, along with amendments to international health regulations. If ready in time, the World Health Assembly will approve them in May. The deal may give the WHO power to declare global health emergencies. Countries will promise to follow WHO directives. Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, travel restrictions, and more will be in the works. Critics say that the agreements will override national sovereignty because their provisions will be binding. But international law is the art of the Big Pretend. 

The WHO and Phony International Law  Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Legal Batteries That Supercharge the Bureaucratic State

The Legal Batteries That Supercharge the Bureaucratic State


There is a legal thing called “Chevron deference” and it has encouraged the massive growth of the power and scope of the bureaucratic state over the past 40 years. Named after a 1984 legal case, the doctrine holds (in a nutshell) that courts must defer to the wisdom of the implied expertise of a government agency when deciding certain legal questions.

The Legal Batteries That Supercharge the Bureaucratic State Read More

Brownstone Institute - President von der Leyen's WEF Speech is Sheer Manipulation

President von der Leyen’s WEF Speech is Sheer Manipulation


Few would question the claim that artificial intelligence, bots, and various malicious actors can leverage social media and other digital “information highways” to confuse, disorient, and manipulate citizens. However, the President of the European Commission, like any smart politician, knows how to milk a crisis to expand her own power, and her January 16th speech at Davos was a tour de force in crisis manipulation.

President von der Leyen’s WEF Speech is Sheer Manipulation Read More

Brownstone Institute - The DOJ Quietly Prosecutes the Covid Resistance

The DOJ Quietly Prosecutes the Covid Resistance


There is no indication that the powerful will be held accountable for the damage they imposed. Instead, the Biden Administration has decided to target citizens who resisted its irrational edicts. The same edicts for which they insist they must be granted an “amnesty.” Such actions only increase the devastation from a disastrous policy response.

The DOJ Quietly Prosecutes the Covid Resistance Read More

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