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The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game


One of the very best exposés of the covert, very well-hidden, bellicose attempts to rob all of humanity – barring the miniscule number of psychotic individuals comprising the inimical opposition – of their material possessions and their ‘immaterial’ freedom, was published fairly recently. It is accurately titled The Great Taking (2023), and was written by David Webb, one of the most courageous and finance-savvy authors I have ever come across.

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Hope in the Heart of Winter

Hope in the Heart of Winter


Hiraeth may, indeed, embody a romantic, and at times overly mythical, sense of melancholy. But it is also a longing for some sort of vision conjured from the memory or from the imagination. In short, it is a longing for something for some sort of treasured ideal—and that ideal just might help us begin to imagine, and then to construct, the kind of world we do want to inhabit.

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A Nation of Non-Compliers

A Nation of Non-Compliers


We long ago gave up the hope that all of this is random and coincidental, any more than it so happened that nearly every government in the world decided to plaster social distancing signs everywhere at the same time. Something is going on, something malevolent. The battle of the future really is between them and us but who or what “them” is remains opaque and too many of “us” are still confused about what the alternative is to what is happening all around us. 

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The Dark Side of the Force Isn't Actually Paved in Black

The Dark Side of the Force Isn’t Actually Paved in Black


The analogy that Star Wars fans do not get is that the Evil Empire could be equated to the real rulers of the earth today. “The Resistance” might equate to the 10 percent of world citizens who are fighting back in the face of overwhelming odds. Why don’t more people understand who the Evil Empire really is…and who are really the Good Guys fighting back?

The Dark Side of the Force Isn’t Actually Paved in Black Read Journal Article

We Often Imitate What We Say We Oppose 

We Often Imitate What We Say We Oppose 


“How to struggle for justice without becoming what we claim to despise in our opponents?” That is the question. How well or poorly we as activists and idea-makers respond to this challenge in the short term will, I believe, go a long way toward predicting our long-term chances of building the more cohesive and human-centered culture we all desire for ourselves and our children.

We Often Imitate What We Say We Oppose  Read Journal Article

The Hero's Voice is Within Your Reach

The Hero’s Voice is Within Your Reach


Having incurred some rather brutal personal losses, including my career, I am unable to pretend that speaking out is easy. This is why people self-censor. It is definitely safer to stay silent in the short-term. But what are the long-term consequences of our silence? Could, for example, the horrors of Nazi Germany and the persecution of the Jews be repeated if people are silent en-mass about anti-Semitism? Of course, you know the chilling answer to that question.

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Hope Matters

Hope Matters in Our War


Just as we find ourselves in ‘dark years’ at present, we cannot afford to believe for a moment that the technocratic cabal has succeeded in determining, once and for all, what our future will be – that of slaves in their AI-controlled, neo-fascist, feudal dystopia. We are free human beings, and by doing the ‘work of hope’ by seizing on opportunities that are latent in the world, to challenge them with courage, we shall prevail.

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To Starve Our Feudal Overlords of Attention

To Starve our Feudal Overlords of Attention


As Covid showed us, an unusually high number of those trotted out to us by our “noble” class as possessing inordinate wisdom are little more than self-interested charlatans. But they retain much of their prominence because many people, having been told again and again that their own observational and reasoning skills are terminally inadequate, hand over those tasks to those presented to them as inordinately wise.

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The Courage to Admit Mistakes in Public

The Courage to Admit Mistakes in Public


On the one hand we see the emergence of masses, a globalist mass united by a propagandized, ideological opinion, but also counter-masses united by other fanatical narratives. On the other hand, we see the emergence of a group based on resonant speech—a group that connects people with the most divergent opinions, that prioritizes open-mindedness and sincerity. Once the group becomes energetically stronger than the mass, the era of totalitarianism is over.

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We Sacrificed Their Childhood at the Altar of Our Choices

We Sacrificed Their Childhood at the Altar of Our Choices


The contributors to the special issue of The International Human Rights Journal would have us believe that the circle could in some way have been squared and that we could have ‘saved lives’ by closing schools while at the same time making sure children did not suffer. This forces them to make out that the issue is awfully complicated. But I’m afraid to say it really is in the end very simple: children should never have had to go through the experience of lockdown.

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Must We ‘Leave the World Behind’?

Must We ‘Leave the World Behind’?


Through the film, ‘those behind it’ warn us that there is going to be a cyberattack, so that we will think there won’t be one (because ‘no one would say so openly,’ would they?), but in fact, they are planning a cyberattack. The deception is therefore more sophisticated than it seems at first sight. The only problem is, unlike the Freudian story about the two Polish Jews, it is no joke. 

Must We ‘Leave the World Behind’? Read Journal Article

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