
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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The Sorrows of Empire

The Sorrows of Empire


There is no such thing as fully objective history, and that’s for a simple reason. History is generated in narrative form, and the creation of every narrative—as Hayden White made clear four decades ago—necessarily involves the selection and discarding, as well the foregrounding and relative camouflaging, of items within the panoply of “facts” at the disposal of the historian.

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Without Community and Boundaries, They Win

Without Community and Boundaries, They Win


If we are to survive as a civilization, that is precisely the kind of community and support structure that we need to form, especially on the local level. For that reason alone, I warmly invite you to the 2024 Brownstone Institute Conference and Gala in my hometown of Pittsburgh, where we will seek to experience a community of collegiality and friendship in service of “The New Resistance.”

Without Community and Boundaries, They Win Read More

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance


Today our concerns about nihilism have less to do with capitalism than with the cynical nihilism evident in the actions orchestrated by the group of multi-billionaires who are hellbent on destroying the lives of the rest of humanity by hook or by crook. These sub-humans evidently hold human lives – in fact, all life-forms – in such low regard, that they did not hesitate to promote bioweapons as legitimate ‘Covid-vaccines,’ while probably knowing full well what the effects of these experimental concoctions would be.

Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance Read More

Atlas Shrugs

Atlas Shrugs Twice


Atlas may shrug, justice may never be served, all of the structures and institutions around us may fall into disrepair or collapse, and the world may be forcefully locked down, but when we give in to apathy and shrug our shoulders in dejected acceptance and passive participation, we also hand over our own individuality, agency, and freedom. It is then that Atlas shrugs, not once, but twice.

Atlas Shrugs Twice Read More

Pain is the Prompt

Pain is the Prompt


What would happen if we all vowed to adopt an honor code to guide every moment in our lives? What if we vowed to speak the truth, to act ethically, and to hold others accountable when they violate the codes of society? What if we also vowed to pursue this ethos in a decent, respectful manner, seeking to expose dishonesty not to shame and humiliate the offenders, but to strengthen the social fabric of our communities? Wouldn’t we make clear that this conduct will be given no quarter in our communities?

Pain is the Prompt Read More

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World


Would it not have been unimaginably exhilarating if this court verdict and (hypothetical) sentence had binding power? But it does not. Hence, the struggle continues, and we shall never give up. That this is worthwhile was recently confirmed when the news broke about the World Health Organisation suffering a colossal setback, when it failed to get the amendments approved which would assure its sought-after ‘pandemic treaty’ to be ratified. There are other victories too, which we, the resistance, are pursuing, without the least thought of ever backing down.

Philosophy of Law for the Modern World Read More

Question One Narrative, Question Them All

Question One Narrative, Question Them All


It is a shame that some people still don’t question other narratives after experiencing profound injustices and horrendous treatments during the Covid-19 response for the so-called “greater good.” The journey to find the truth is nevertheless personal and relatively painful, where we are led to confront ourselves, our humility, faith, and principles. I don’t think it is easy to impose that on others, but we can plant seeds, for they may grow on fertile soil.

Question One Narrative, Question Them All Read More

A View of Kant from the East

A View of Kant from the East


Kant literally changed the way we think about ourselves; what Copernicus achieved for astronomy – altering the assumptions of the place of planet Earth in what we now understand as our solar system – Kant did for philosophy, which is why he thought of himself as bringing about a Copernican revolution in philosophy. In brief: Kant demonstrated, with thorough argumentation, that instead of humans experiencing the world ‘passively’ by merely registering on their senses the impressions of external ‘reality,’ we actually contribute to the way the world appears to us.

A View of Kant from the East Read More

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