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The Truth About Tyranny


Any regime that wants to stay in power needs to know this secret to hegemony: the desire to cleanse society of the enemy is what compels compliance. Every tyranny in history has depended on recruits to its own ranks from within the culture. They believe the lie knowing full well that it is a lie. The lie allows them to participate in the purge. They become the willing executioners. It’s been true throughout history, regardless of the particular and shifting desiderata of the despotism of the moment. 

The Truth About Tyranny Read More

How Close Is Total Social and Economic Collapse?


How does all this end? It doesn’t end. History rolls forward in the current direction of decline so long as no one is there to stand athwart it and yell stop and reverse course. How bad must it get before human rationality and reason take over from political egos and careerist duplicity? We are going to find out in the next 12 months. It’s going to be a very long winter, as two weeks to flatten the curve gradually and painfully turns into three years of remarkable and wholly preventable wreckage. 

How Close Is Total Social and Economic Collapse? Read More

The Greatest Failure in the History of Public Health: The Case for the Prosecution


Governments got it all wrong. They should have chosen the mitigation strategy all along, leaving the management of pathogens to actual medical professionals who deal with individuals and their problems rather than push a central plan hatched by computer scientists, political leaders, and their advisors.. 

The Greatest Failure in the History of Public Health: The Case for the Prosecution Read More

The Madness of Crowds: Podcast with Gigi Foster


Gigi Foster, professor of economics at the University of New South Wales, is author of The Great Covid Panic (Brownstone, 2012). She has been granting interviews all over Australia and New Zealand, in addition to other countries around the world. You can hear her views in this fascinating podcast.

The Madness of Crowds: Podcast with Gigi Foster Read More

The Fight for Civilization: Two Interviews with Jeffrey Tucker


SHARE | PRINT | EMAILTwo lengthy interviews with Brownstone founder and president are now online. The first is with the Bill Walton show, and the second is with journalist and author Robin Koerner. Excerpts from the above: “We’ve dealt with pandemics in the past. In the modern age and the 20th

The Fight for Civilization: Two Interviews with Jeffrey Tucker Read More

Is This Becoming a General Strike?


We had better hope and pray that the anger against the government and the ruling class does not ultimately turn against the free economy itself. In order for that not to happen, the intellectual opposition to the current regime needs to get its thinking straight, give up its old habits, see the current struggle for what it is, and start celebrating the freedom of everyone. 

Is This Becoming a General Strike? Read More

medical nonconformity

Medical Nonconformity and Its Persecution


This is why we need the freedom to make our own decisions on matters of personal health and safety. Otherwise, those who are so certain that their opinion is the correct one that they are willing to use coercive force to impose it on others run the risk of looking as foolish (and evil) as the witch hunters and eugenicists of generations past.

Medical Nonconformity and Its Persecution Read More

No, House of Commons Committee, the UK Did Not Lock Down Too Late. It Should Never Have Locked Down At All.


This is a pretty feeble report that seems to have been written with an eye on getting Jeremy Hunt and Greg Clark – the chairs of the two select committees involved – on the BBC news rather than making a serious contribution to understanding what the Government got right and what it got wrong over the past 18 months.

No, House of Commons Committee, the UK Did Not Lock Down Too Late. It Should Never Have Locked Down At All. Read More

The Problem With Science Is Scientists


The overwhelming desire of a terrified public for evidence of interventions that effectively eliminate the risk of infection will inevitably pressure scientists to provide that evidence. Ideally, an acknowledgement of this bias would result in increased skepticism from other scientists and media outlets, but that hasn’t happened

The Problem With Science Is Scientists Read More

Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Thirty Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians


Individuals whose livelihoods and liberties are being deprecated and deleted need access to the scientific literature as it pertains to this virus. They should send a link to this page far and wide. The scientists have not been silent; they just haven’t received the public attention they deserve.

Natural Immunity and Covid-19: Thirty Scientific Studies to Share with Employers, Health Officials, and Politicians Read More

Human Shields: The Public-Health War on Children


Children have now lost two years of progress in educational basics, and that is the least of it. They have been systematically trained in germaphobic paranoia to treat their peers and adults as pathogenic disease carriers whose presence is a threat rather than blessing. They have faced the demoralization that comes with constantly changing rules, instability of both home life and education, seen their houses of worship closed, and been coerced into a tedious life of endless screen time that is devoid of human warmth.

Human Shields: The Public-Health War on Children Read More

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