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They Wanted to Sweep it All Under the Rug 


Remember that earlier this year, there was a concerted attempt on the part of major media and platforms to pretend like lockdowns and vaccine mandates (and medical segregation) never happened. 

What about all this carnage we see around us?

The inflation? That’s Putin, OPEC, and gas stations. 

Learning loss? Oh, one expects that in a pandemic. 

Lost workers? Well, it’s just demographics. 

Excess deaths not related to Covid? Probably drugs or something. 

Crime? It’s a myth. 

Shattered communities? Hey, it happens.

Recession and impending depression? Just part of a cycle. 

Whatever is wrong with this country, it has nothing to do with the late unpleasantness. That was all necessary for health, so quit talking about it. The lockdowns didn’t happen or, if they did happen, it was necessary to protect lives. In any case, let’s please just move on. 

Whatever you do, don’t connect the dots. 

Sadly, too many people wanted to play along with this major effort to sweep everything under the rug. Forget the millions displaced from their jobs. Forget the kids with delayed speech. Forget the missed cancer treatments and other medical diagnostics. What happened had to happen and these are new times. 

Why have so many willing to push the suppression of truth? Simply because so many people were involved in the disaster of lockdowns and jab mandates. They either supported them at the time or said nothing against them. Now they don’t want to talk about it. 

At Brownstone Institute, we’ve made it our mission to connect the dots. We do it every day with the best analysis, research, and commentary. We’ve made all these subjects impossible to ignore. Our thinking is that we have to get this history right, and understand all the cause-and-effect relationships, or we risk repeating the whole calamity under another excuse. 

More than anything else, if we are to re-establish and re-prioritize freedom as a first principle, we absolutely must come to terms with what happened and why. We must make the connections between today’s sufferings – they take so many forms – and the egregious policy responses that began only 31 months ago. 

Too many people, writers, intellectuals, journalists, and politicians want to forget it all. This is how they can avoid accountability and then do it again when they deem it necessary. As the shampoo instructions say, rinse and repeat. 

We simply cannot allow that to happen. Brownstone has emerged as a leading voice to provide the counterbalance. With fully 21 channels of communication, and millions of readers, and reprints in every major language, and venues all over the world where our content runs, and dedicated people who share Brownstone material all day, every day, we have made a huge difference. 

That these issues have emerged with major importance in American public life, and also the world over, doesn’t just happen. It is a consequence of the influence institutions like Brownstone have over the public mind. The ideas must get out there, even when major platforms are working daily to suppress them. 

Another crucial service that Brownstone provides in these diasporic times: this institution has provided sanctuary for writers, researchers, speakers, and scientists to do their work and get their message out. Our recently started Fellows program has been a godsend, for which we thank our donors. 

In fact, Brownstone would not exist at all, much less have the influence it has without generous donors. As we approach the holiday season in these critical times in history, can you please remember the work we do and give with your most generous commitments? So many of you already have and the difference you have made is legion. 

We run on a shoestring budget and so every dime counts. Times are hard for everyone but unless the right ideas penetrate the conspiracy of silence, the times will only get harder. We cannot guarantee success but we know that doing nothing will guarantee failure. 

Please consider supporting Brownstone. If you are already a donor, thank you ever so much. Please continue! If you have never given, please consider that today and in the coming months. 

Our donation form is here. Every effort is greatly appreciated. 

Best to you and yours in this holiday season! 

Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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