
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity


No matter how much the public narrative tries to ignore it, no matter how much the media attempts to suppress serious discussion, critical voices are becoming louder by the day. Ever more people in both the old and the new Europe are demanding their fundamental rights and freedoms back.

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity Read Journal Article

Are You Ready and Willing to Be Free Again?


To today’s Americans, appearances are everything — we are afraid to be different, lest it make our friends uncomfortable (maybe we will lose one, whatever will we do?!) We have ceased caring about truth and authenticity entirely. We have tacitly agreed as a society that true things should be hidden whenever they conflict with what is “popular”; with what everyone “smart” and “cool” is doing. Anyone acting outside of these boundaries — the “eccentrics” of centuries past, considered by Mill to be geniuses — are today’s untouchables. 

Are You Ready and Willing to Be Free Again? Read Journal Article

These Travel Restrictions Must End 


International tourist arrivals are down by 85% from 2019. A third of the world’s borders are shut. There seems to be no movement in the direction of reversing this disaster and reinstituting the wonderful world of 2019. In fact, there seems to be very little awareness that this has happened to us much less of the terrible consequences. Forget the freedom of movement; the Biden administration has only promised to open up “when it is safe to do so.” 

These Travel Restrictions Must End  Read Journal Article

The Meaning of the FDA Resignations


The appearance of The Lancet article by two top FDA vaccine scientists is truly devastating and revealing because it undermines the last plausible tool to save the whole machinery of government disease management that has been deployed at such enormous social, cultural, and economic cost for 19 months.

The Meaning of the FDA Resignations Read Journal Article

Governments Lost the War Against the Virus


It’s time to end the mask mandates, the useless school quarantining, the vaccine coercion, and every other ugly, unnecessary aspect of this horrible dystopian society our overlords have created. How many more lives will be forever destroyed or damaged by the fruitless efforts of the Covid warriors who refuse to accept the inevitable and surrender?

Governments Lost the War Against the Virus Read Journal Article

The Polio Pandemic of 1949-52: No Closures, No Restrictions


A health official said of the polio epidemic: “Nobody can shut down intercourse of people in communities.” Our rights survived. So did human liberty, free enterprise, the Bill of Rights, jobs, and the American way of life. And then polio was eventually beat. 

The Polio Pandemic of 1949-52: No Closures, No Restrictions Read Journal Article

Science Denied: The Biden Vaccine Mandate


It is a mark of a primitive society to attribute to political compliance or noncompliance what rational science shows is a feature of the natural world. Why? Ignorance, maybe. Power ambitions, more likely. Scapegoating is apparently an eternal feature of the human experience. Governments seem particularly good at it, even when it is less believable than ever. 

Science Denied: The Biden Vaccine Mandate Read Journal Article