Search Results for: totalitarian

pandemic Australia

Pandemics Bookended Our Careers


Covid has laid bare a medical profession no longer with input into health policy. Financial interest influences decisions enacted by bureaucrats, driven by the pharmaceutical industry, and woven into political agendas. A cultural blindness to objectivity begins with medical journals failing to publish any article outside of the narrative.

Pandemics Bookended Our Careers Read More

our enemy, the state

Our Enemy, The State


It was important for someone to write this instant history under time pressure, an accessible work of record, lest we forget. Or rather, lest they be allowed to forget and move on. This is neither a book by nor for academics. Therein lies some of its failings and much of its strength. “The Government is my enemy,” laments a disillusioned citizen. Do not trust politicians and bureaucrats. “They lie for a living,” says the cynical reporter.

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Preferred Pronouns Lit the Path to Covid Science Denialism


The idea behind the move to preferred pronouns is that everyone’s own conception of their gender identity deserves the protection of law. The unintended and perverse yet entirely predictable consequence is that the wilful suspension of biological reality with pretend facts is a threat to women. 

Preferred Pronouns Lit the Path to Covid Science Denialism Read More

What is CISA?

What Is CISA and Why Does It Matter?


The whole country fell into complete shambles and trauma for the better part of 2020, leading up to the November elections that gutted Republican control of Congress and flipped the White House. We are now finding out with piles of evidence that this was the ambition of many employees at Twitter, including the general counsel who ended up as a consultant to the very agency that issued the stay-home advisory. 

What Is CISA and Why Does It Matter? Read More

population control

Population Control: The Receipts


Perhaps the most obvious result of COVID lockdowns and the interruption of commerce is the current record number of people at risk of starvation: Before COVID lockdowns and all their results, the number of people at risk of starvation was 135-million.  By the end of 2021, that had increased by another 135-million people, and in 2022, it then increased another 67-million.  The result is currently about 10-million deaths from starvation, 3-million of them children.

Population Control: The Receipts Read More


Australia, Where the Bloody Hell Are Ya?


While the credulous statist sycophants in the MSM were slobbering over Australia’s draconian curtailments of human rights throughout most of 2020, the once-proud nation was busily surrendering liberties, riding roughshod over the rule of law, trashing individual rights and trampling virtually any freedom worthy of the name.

Australia, Where the Bloody Hell Are Ya? Read More

Deborah Birx Lockdowns

Debi Does Lockdowns 


Each anti-scientific, non-public-health measure in itself – e.g., universal cloth masking, testing and quarantining after the virus was widespread, focusing on cases instead of hospitalizations or deaths – was not intended to achieve anything, except the singular goal of fomenting massive fear. And the purpose of the fear was to ensure maximum compliance with lockdowns.

Debi Does Lockdowns  Read More

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