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The New Biosecurity State - Brownstone Institute

The New Biosecurity State


The danger is that there will be no real bar to them repeating it next time. It’s only if you really punish them. With atrocities we have this notion of command responsibility. You don’t go after the foot soldiers, but you do charge the general or the dictator with atrocity crimes, with crimes against humanity, with ethnic cleansing, and put them in jail. That sends a message.

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No, Lockdown Instigators Do Not Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt


The harms that lockdowns would cause were all well-known and reported at the time they were first adopted as policy in early 2020. These included accurate estimates of mass deaths due to delayed medical operations, a mental health crisis, drug overdoses, an economic recession, global poverty, hunger, and starvation.

No, Lockdown Instigators Do Not Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt Read More

deep state

Is McKinsey & Company Part of the Deep State? 


The administrative state is horrible and it deserves to be called out. The next President can and should cut the administrative state in half (one could do so with no loss in services). But reading When McKinsey Comes to Town I realized that management consultants likely make up a larger share of the deep state than bureaucrats. 

Is McKinsey & Company Part of the Deep State?  Read More

Tucker Carlson

The Meaning of Tucker Carlson


He won’t let go of the memory of an America in which children were safe at school and parents decided what happened to their children. I, many, share this baseline value and are terrified that it is under attack. And he insists on patriotism, in a time of relentless propaganda and the bribery of elites that urges us all to drop national identities, cultures, borders, and even allegiances.

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If He Was Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned

If He Were Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned


It recently occurred to me that if Socrates was alive today, he would be censored, de-platformed, smeared, cancelled and labeled a grave threat to society. In short, he would be charged with spreading disinformation and would no doubt be Target No. 1 of the massive Censorship Industrial Complex.

If He Were Alive Today, Socrates Would be Banned Read More

political economy pandemic response

The Political Economy of the US Pandemic Response


In this essay, written from a broad economics perspective that incorporates an understanding of incentives, institutions, information, and power, we address the following three broad questions: (1) What were the roles and responsibilities of our institutions when faced with a threat like Covid? (2) What were the costs and benefits of the response that transpired? (3) What is the need and potential for institutional and social reform?

The Political Economy of the US Pandemic Response Read More

We Need Truth and Justice


The free world is stuck tallying the costs of its catastrophic foray into totalitarianism. Most of these costs were predicted well before the policies were ever implemented. Hundreds of millions have gone hungry. An entire generation of children has been abused and traumatized. Young people were robbed of some of their brightest years. Small businesses and those who depended on them lost their livelihoods. Trillions of dollars were transferred from the world’s poorest to its very richest.

We Need Truth and Justice Read More

Hate the Bad, Love the Good

Hate the Bad, Love the Good


The enemies of humanity want us to prevent us from hating the bad and loving the good by making us afraid of being accused of hatred. In a world in crisis because our leaders are bad, our food is bad, our medicine and public health are bad, our schools are bad, our broken families are bad, our entertainment and music is bad, our infrastructure is bad, inflation is bad, and even the adjudication of dangerous and violent criminals in our major cities is bad, silence and self-censorship become a most dangerous refusal to love the good, to love neighbor, and ultimately to love God.

Hate the Bad, Love the Good Read More

Golden Calf

Mitigation Is the Golden Calf


It was evident to me from the early days of the lockdown that something very cult-like was occurring. When quite literally nothing happened during those first 15 days to justify the lockdowns, the mantra of “just wait two weeks” was on the lips of the believers of the Branch Covidians, much like how a doomsday cult leader is allowed to pick new dates when the aliens don’t show when they are supposed to. 

Mitigation Is the Golden Calf Read More

Brownstone Institute - Massachusetts Gone Rogue

Massachusetts Gone Rogue


You would not believe how your tax dollars are being spent by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine, an organization whose sole purpose is to protect the citizens of Massachusetts from rogue, incompetent medical practitioners. Especially during pandemics.

Massachusetts Gone Rogue Read More

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