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Covid and the Madness of Crowds


Their singular obsession, emotional intensity, and size lead to crowds sometimes attaining great power and dictating directions that can change the course of history for a whole country, or even for the world. The inherent danger is that their obsession blinds them to everything else that matters in normal times.

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Legal Context Behind the Bioweapon Hypothesis

Legal Context Behind the Bioweapon Hypothesis


EUA was the type of authorization granted to Covid mRNA vaccines, along with hundreds of other medical products used during the declared Covid pandemic. Once we understand the basic legal framework, we can investigate the most important aspect of EUA that nobody ever discusses: the context in which EUA law operates.

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Evidence of Early Spread in the US: What We Know


We don’t know when these people in the three Western states (or the other six Midwestern and Northeast states) may have been infected – but for probably most of them it would have been many weeks or even months before they donated blood.That is, the “Red Cross blood study” provides compelling evidence that early spread in America probably occurred by at least early October and perhaps even September.

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Brownstone Institute - The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize


It’s hard to see the Norwegian Nobel Committee defying the suffocating Covid narrative that took over the Western world, with a very few honourable exceptions. Of course if they were to do so, that would really stir things up and help to dismantle the narrative. One can but hope for the best while expecting otherwise.

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Crush the Flu d’État

Crush the Flu d’État


Part of the beauty of leaving the WHO is this: not only is it simple, it’s easy. The WHO (like its manipulative, dysfunctional parent, the UN) is a paper tiger. The WHO has zero authority above and beyond that which we grant it. Unlike an unfortunate woman trapped in a violent household, the WHO cannot beat us up, steal our money, or kidnap our children. Not yet.

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Democracy Under Stress

Democracy Under Stress in America and India


For decades, the US has tried to export and universalise bedrock American values like the rule of law, civil liberties, political freedoms and democratic practices. Now it is internalising some foreign policy vices like selective justice against unfriendly regimes while running protection for friendly ones.

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The German Faith in Authority


Not only do media commentaries and politicians casually discuss discriminatory measures against unvaccinated people without being attacked for it by their peers, but ‘normal’ citizens, including highly accomplished academics, are doing so as well. The sudden switch of the political agenda from Covid-19 to the Ukraine illustrates that this is not Covid-exclusive behaviour.

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You Should Be Very Worried About the Digital Services Act


The only hope is that this ugly, complicated and regressive piece of legislation ends up before a judge who understands that freedom of expression means nothing if held hostage to the views of the European Commission on pandemic-preparedness, the Russia-Ukraine war, or what counts as “offensive” or “hateful” speech.

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