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Public Masking: A Symbol of Wealth and Status


The disparity between Springfield and Northampton illustrates a clear socioeconomic divide among the enforcement of mask mandates. In a nation ruled by political will, rather than just laws, it is fair to say that in Springfield, and in the Springfields all across the country, liberty still thrives. Paper words and empty speeches have little relation to the everyday activity of residents, rendering the so-called mask mandate almost entirely illusory. 

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Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies?

Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies?


Across the West, Virtue People, and Freedom People have been working together. At conferences, in think tanks, at school boards, on email lists, in living rooms, on X, and sometimes marching in the streets, they coalesce. These two groups constitute the rebel alliance against authoritarian woke globalism. But their political philosophies conflict.

Freedom and Virtue: Friends or Enemies? Read More

Ontario the Cruel


The children of Ontario are victims of nearly two solid years of psychologically and emotionally damaging messages emanating from public health officials and social media celebrity doctors about how dangerous they are to the people they love; that they are dirty disease carriers, that they could be ‘granny killers’ and inadvertently pass along a deadly virus to their loved ones. They could murder their grandparents! In turn, many Ontario parents have been rendered so utterly terrified about the exaggerated risks to their children from Covid-19 that they are now fully convinced that all children are a health risk to others. 

Ontario the Cruel Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled

The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled


When you think about what our emerging surveillance state will look like, you think 1984. You imagine East Germany powered by Google and Amazon. You recall your favorite dystopian sci-fi film – or maybe horror stories of China’s social credit system. Thoughts of a frustrated middle-aged police chief from a mid-sized Midwestern town attempting to procure security cameras with innovative new features probably don’t come to mind. You definitely don’t think of a guy in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles in a notebook. And that’s partly how the surveillance state is going to emerge as it creeps its way into one small town at a time.

The Greatest Trick Big Brother Ever Pulled Read More

Relic of the Past or Embedded Dystopia?


Let’s assume for the moment, though it’s by no means guaranteed, that the COVID era will in fact become a time-bound relic of the past, as opposed to an embedded dystopia that lasts into the foreseeable future. Is it too soon to begin talking about ‘survivors’ of the COVID era? Who will they be? How will they talk about that time to younger generations, or to visitors from the few countries that didn’t fall into the trap?

Relic of the Past or Embedded Dystopia? Read More

The Rise and Fall of the Human Rights Industry


A partnership of mutual benefit has developed over the past two decades, blurring the dichotomy between wealthy oppressors and those whose oppression often enriched them. With public-private partnerships, human rights and humanitarianism became a fashion statement, allowing corporations and their celebrities to demonstrate that inequality can be veiled with empathy.

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Tragedy of the Brooklyn Literary Scene

The Tragedy of the Brooklyn Literary Scene


Because lies embraced our whole culture since 2020, and because public intellectuals for the most part did not stand up to the lies at the time, and because many even participated in the lies (hello, Sam Harris); since horrible things happened to those of us who did stand up to the lies — most public intellectuals at this moment cannot address the really important events of the recent past.

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intelligence community

The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community


The Fifth Circuit failed to acknowledge the critical role the intelligence community played in the Covid response and the assault on the Bill of Rights. By reinstating agencies’ power to partner with groups designed to circumvent the First Amendment, the Court risks the continued erosion of First Amendment freedoms under public-private totalitarianism. 

The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community Read More

Brownstone Institute - our enemy: the government

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power


People were told when and where they could shop, the hours during which they could shop, what they could purchase, how close they could get to others, and which direction they could move in by following arrows on the floor. Governments also stepped into nations’ bedrooms to dictate with whom we could and could not be intimate.

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power Read More

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