Search Results for: IHR

Letters to the Patronising Fools in Parliament

Letters to the Patronising Fools in Parliament


One doesn’t have to look too hard, these days, to find examples of foolish patronising poseurs – the various chambers of our state and federal parliaments are ‘target-rich environments,’ as they say. A case in point has come to my attention, compelling me to expose the utter contempt in which some parliamentarians hold their constituents.

Letters to the Patronising Fools in Parliament Read More

The WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Agreements Worsen Public Health

The WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Agreements Worsen Public Health


To summarize, while it’s sensible to prepare for outbreaks and pandemics, it’s even more sensible to improve health. This involves directing resources to where the problems are and using them in a way that does more good than harm. When people’s salaries and careers become dependent on changing reality, reality gets warped. The new pandemic proposals are very warped. They are a business strategy, not a public health strategy. It is the business of wealth concentration and colonialism – as old as humanity itself.

The WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Agreements Worsen Public Health Read More

deadlier pandemic

An Even Deadlier Pandemic, Warns New York Times


Are we going to allow a repeat of what happened during Covid-19, or are we going to exercise critical thinking and our rights as citizens, to put an end to the growing biomedical security state? I choose the latter. We can start by critically examining what we’re being fed by the mainstream media, and by compromised government and public health officials, and refusing to be frightened and manipulated into another over reactive, unconstitutional, disastrous response to a pathogen.

An Even Deadlier Pandemic, Warns New York Times Read More

Tedros Must Face Reality

Tedros Must Face Reality


We must first address the reasons why international public health is now about profit and centralization, rather than the health of populations. This won’t happen under the current version of the WHO, and does not appear on the WHA agenda. We are facing a mass denial of reality by the WHO and its leadership. Until this is rectified, any WHA votes that grant further powers or oversight to the WHO are unlikely to be in the interests of the world’s population, or the countries within which they live.

Tedros Must Face Reality Read More

We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals

We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals


We need legislators, and the public, to reclaim public health ethics and to return to credible concepts of health and well-being – as the WHO once did – “physical, mental and social.” This is what was intended when previous generations fought to overthrow dictators, striving for equality and for the rights of individuals over those who would control them. History tells us that public health professions tend to follow self-interest, taking the side of those who would be dictators. If our democracies, freedom, and health are to survive, we must accept reality and address this as a basic issue of individual freedom and good governance for which we are all responsible. There is too much at stake to leave this to self-interested corporatists and the notorious enforcers they control.

We Must Save Ourselves from the Public Health Professionals Read More

pandemic preparedness

A Reevaluation of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agenda


The past two decades have witnessed the increasing divergence of two schools of thought within global public health. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) agenda have brought these to a level of vitriol, dividing the public health community. Health is a basic human need, and fear of ill health is a powerful tool for changing human behavior. Ensuring the integrity of public health policy is therefore critical for a well-functioning society.

A Reevaluation of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agenda Read More

Brownstone Institute - No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe

No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe


We cannot afford to have those who lead through empty sloganeering in control. We should treat them with all the respect they deserve. We will only be truly safe when we insist on integrity as a prerequisite for public office, and a basis for public health. That is as near or far as we choose it to be.

No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe Read More

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