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Science Denied: The Biden Vaccine Mandate


It is a mark of a primitive society to attribute to political compliance or noncompliance what rational science shows is a feature of the natural world. Why? Ignorance, maybe. Power ambitions, more likely. Scapegoating is apparently an eternal feature of the human experience. Governments seem particularly good at it, even when it is less believable than ever. 

Science Denied: The Biden Vaccine Mandate Read Journal Article

Government’s National Security Arm Took Charge During the Covid Response


HHS – the agency designated by statute and experience to handle public health crises – was removed, and FEMA – the agency designated by statute and experience to “help people before, during and after disasters” like earthquakes and fires – was put in charge. But the pandemic planning document was not updated to reflect that change or how that change would affect the Covid response.

Government’s National Security Arm Took Charge During the Covid Response Read Journal Article

How to Account for the CDC’s New Mask Advisory?


The CDC seems more easily led by op-eds in political newspapers than actual scientific papers on the topic, of which there are many thousands now. The agency wants digestible, clear instructions on what they should be doing. This piece in the Washington Post provided exactly that. Thus did the CDC reverse itself yet again. 

How to Account for the CDC’s New Mask Advisory? Read Journal Article

Your Booster Life: How Big Pharma Adopted the Subscription Model of Profitability


What if, by depriving us of normal life, those who stand to gain from vaccines can forever cement themselves at the center of society by providing an artificial replacement for what our immune systems used to do to protect us against common respiratory viruses back when we were still allowed to live normal lives? 

Your Booster Life: How Big Pharma Adopted the Subscription Model of Profitability Read Journal Article


Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe


I could have submitted this letter to you, as usually done, and published it here, if rejected. However, I had tried to submit letters three times before and decided to reverse the order this time. Incidentally, my second rejected letter was submitted to The Lancet, and the point I have made there about residual confounding bias was recently exposed (by others) in a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.

Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Read Journal Article

deification of mathematical modeling

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling


These weren’t prophets warning us about the future. They were profiteering charlatans who knew what they were paid to predict. Their training taught them that this was utter statistical malpractice but not one of them objected as to how their work was being used. It was produced to be propaganda and they were happy to please their benefactors.

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling Read Journal Article

election Kennedy DeSantis

Kennedy, DeSantis and a Covid Reckoning Election


The political implications of DeSantis and Kennedy’s successful challenge against the establishment narrative on all things Covid would reverberate in many other Western democracies and encourage other major parties to differentiate themselves from the ruling establishment as lockdown and vaccine sceptics and opponents.

Kennedy, DeSantis and a Covid Reckoning Election Read Journal Article

Governments Lost the War Against the Virus


It’s time to end the mask mandates, the useless school quarantining, the vaccine coercion, and every other ugly, unnecessary aspect of this horrible dystopian society our overlords have created. How many more lives will be forever destroyed or damaged by the fruitless efforts of the Covid warriors who refuse to accept the inevitable and surrender?

Governments Lost the War Against the Virus Read Journal Article

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