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Levers of Control - Brownstone Institute

Levers of Control: Accept or Flee?


They could always, of course, decide to opt out of the ‘system,’ if they are willing to be ‘excluded from society,’ as Bill Gates infamously said about those who would refuse the digital prison that the neo-fascists have built for the rest of humanity. I certainly would, but my guess is that most people are too immersed in social media and the technical means to sojourn there – usually a smartphone, and of course the internet – to take that drastic step.

Levers of Control: Accept or Flee? Read Journal Article


The Triumph of the Apocalyptics


Brownstone was founded in light of the above history to shine a light on higher ideals, not a Schmittian war between friends and enemies but societies of compassion, dignity, freedom, rights, and the exercise of human volition against all threats and uses of violence public and private. This is our guiding light now and always. Apocalypticism builds nothing; it only destroys. It’s the instantiation of the philosophy of The Joker. No nation and no community can survive it. 

The Triumph of the Apocalyptics Read Journal Article

Why Does the CDC Recognize Natural Immunity for Chicken Pox but Not Covid?


What is different for COVID-19? Why the different standard or application of core immunology or virology principles? Some say the guidance on Covid is purely political and has zero to do with science or evidence.

Why Does the CDC Recognize Natural Immunity for Chicken Pox but Not Covid? Read Journal Article


The High Cost of Shattering Sensible Boundaries 


Boundary-setting, and with it the transmission of trans-generational knowledge and the ability to calculate one’s true emotional proximity to others, are essential elements of a healthy culture. For reasons having a lot to do with the Baby Boomer generation’s tendency to often flippantly dispense with time-tested cultural knowledge in the name of “progress” and or “liberation,” many children have been deprived of an opportunity to gain these valuable skills. 

The High Cost of Shattering Sensible Boundaries  Read Journal Article

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity


No matter how much the public narrative tries to ignore it, no matter how much the media attempts to suppress serious discussion, critical voices are becoming louder by the day. Ever more people in both the old and the new Europe are demanding their fundamental rights and freedoms back.

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity Read Journal Article

freedom slipped

Forty Years of Freedom Slipped Away So Quickly 


We dare not relent lest the despotism we experienced only very recently be repeated and entrenched. We know now that it can happen, and that there is nothing inevitable about genuine progress. Our job now is to regroup and recommit to living free lives, never again believing that there are magical forces at work in the world that make our role as thinkers and doers unnecessary. 

Forty Years of Freedom Slipped Away So Quickly  Read Journal Article

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