Search Results for: mask

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Did Cochrane's Masks Study Get it Wrong?

Did Cochrane’s Masks Study Get it Wrong?


“Forcing people to wear masks has been a failure of public health. The reason we are still having the mask debate is because authorities relied on trash studies to justify their use, and wanted to appear as if they were doing something. In a crisis, it is always more difficult to do nothing,” Gøtzsche said.

Did Cochrane’s Masks Study Get it Wrong? Read More

Will the Mask Mandate for Plane Travel Ever End?


As the pre-flight recording makes abundantly and obnoxiously clear down to the excruciating detail of what needs to happen after every bite and sip, travelers are expected to be fully masked from above the nose to below the mouth during every non-eating and drinking second of our existence at these infernal places. It’s torture enough on relatively short, on-time flights, but God help you if your flight is delayed, and even God won’t be able to help you if you’re stuck for hours on a tarmac inside a plane that has ‘mechanical issues.’

Will the Mask Mandate for Plane Travel Ever End? Read More

Public Masking: A Symbol of Wealth and Status


The disparity between Springfield and Northampton illustrates a clear socioeconomic divide among the enforcement of mask mandates. In a nation ruled by political will, rather than just laws, it is fair to say that in Springfield, and in the Springfields all across the country, liberty still thrives. Paper words and empty speeches have little relation to the everyday activity of residents, rendering the so-called mask mandate almost entirely illusory. 

Public Masking: A Symbol of Wealth and Status Read More

Masks Damage

Masks Did Not Do Nothing; They Wrought Havoc


The behavioural scientists deliberately exploited the human desire to conform and literally said out loud that the public would ‘do the heavy lifting’ and enforce masks using social pressure. This was the case: if you refused to wear a mask, people stared or even shouted. Twitter shouted #WearADamnMask. Venues denied entry. GPs refused medical appointments to the unmasked.

Masks Did Not Do Nothing; They Wrought Havoc Read More

Why Is CDC Trying to Put a Mask on Your Face Again?


The mask is a metaphor for all the controls, restrictions, impositions, mandates, closures, and resulting wreckage of the past two years. People hate them because they are so personal. More precisely, they are depersonalizing, which is precisely how the lockdown period of American history has felt the entire time. 

Why Is CDC Trying to Put a Mask on Your Face Again? Read More

Mask Mania: Interview with Ian Miller


Ian Miller is the author of Unmasked: The Global Failure of Mask Mandates. With the topic very much in the news, due to the Florida court decision rejecting the transportation mask mandate, Ian Miller speaks with Brownstone’s Jeffrey Tucker about the lack of evidence for the social benefit of universal masking, and the strange way in which public-health authorities continue to push them regardless.

Mask Mania: Interview with Ian Miller Read More

biden mask mandate

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks


It’s not difficult to discern what we might call the Biden Doctrine of administrative rule-making. It means that the agencies can order whatever they want, whether or not there is any plausible basis in law or whether or not there is any rational basis for it at all. It is a doctrine of bureaucratic supremacy. 

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks Read More

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