Search Results for: world+health+organization

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war on doctors

The War on Doctors and Patients


The suppression of doctors’ freedom to advise and treat patients began early in the pandemic. Promising alternative courses of treatment, such as generic drugs like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, were shouted down by false news narratives. Media companies took their cues from public health agencies, which exaggerated concerns over people using medicines to treat COVID in ways that were not intended and against medical advice. Positive clinical data was ignored.

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How I Was Canceled by


I created a Meetup group called “Covid Contrarians” in New York City. The idea was just to meet other people like me, who thought our governments were overreacting to the Covid situation. My big plan was no more than, get together and schmooze over coffee or a beer. The group lasted a few weeks before Meetup declared that it was spreading misinformation, and erased it from the website.

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Focused Protection: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

Opposition from Left Journalism 


Within days of the pandemic’s inception, criticism of lockdowns and other restrictions became conflated with right-wing politics. This put lefties in a bind: if they didn’t support the restrictions, they might be mistaken (the horror!) for a conservative—or worse, a soldier in Orange Man’s army. They latched onto the mask, the left-wing answer to the MAGA hat, as a badge of their political allegiance. 

Opposition from Left Journalism  Read Journal Article

How Awesome is the Deep State, Really?

How Awesome is the Deep State, Really?


Finally, if you agree with me that my cast of Covid characters much more closely represents what we actually mean by that term, what does this tell us about how the Deep State is now encroaching on the lives of the civilian public in the homeland, rather than sticking to its pre-2020 playbook of sucking up resources by destroying and then rebuilding foreign countries?

How Awesome is the Deep State, Really? Read Journal Article


Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response?


The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric Covid-19 response is very widespread – at least on Twitter. But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico

Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response? Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe

No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe


We cannot afford to have those who lead through empty sloganeering in control. We should treat them with all the respect they deserve. We will only be truly safe when we insist on integrity as a prerequisite for public office, and a basis for public health. That is as near or far as we choose it to be.

No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute support

Brownstone, Moral Courage, and the Fight of Our Lives 


Supporting Brownstone is a way of making a difference and effectively saying: we are not willing to give in and give up. We’ve come too far as societies and people to turn back now. We will not give the keys to the kingdom to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Sam Bankman-Fried, much less the New York Times and Mark Zuckerberg. They might seem to have all the money and power but we have something they lack: dedicated moral passion to tell the truth. 

Brownstone, Moral Courage, and the Fight of Our Lives  Read Journal Article

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