The ‘Pure Fear’ Excuse for Lockdowns
This interminable coverup of reality, being fundamental to the origins of totalitarianism, may have been what the CCP intended from the start.
The ‘Pure Fear’ Excuse for Lockdowns Read Journal Article
This interminable coverup of reality, being fundamental to the origins of totalitarianism, may have been what the CCP intended from the start.
The ‘Pure Fear’ Excuse for Lockdowns Read Journal Article
Dr. Henderson died in 2016. Four years later, precisely what he warned against became policy the world over. And yet after two years of hell, and now that the fear has subsided and the political and bureaucratic class is acquiescing to the dramatic change in public opinion, the pandemic is becoming endemic in exactly the way it always has in the past, precisely as he said it would.
The Vindication of D.A. Henderson Read Journal Article
The rest of us are left with the bill for this obvious scam that implausibly links crypto and Covid. But just as the money was based on nothing but puffed air, the damage they have wrought on the world is all too real: a lost generation of kids, declined lifespans, millions missing from the workforce, a calamitous fall in public health, millions of kids in poverty due to supply-chain breakages, 19 straight months of falling real incomes, historically high increases in debt, and a dramatic fall in human morale the world over.
The Covid/Crypto Connection: The Grim Saga of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried Read Journal Article
The public health industry must urgently awaken to the changing world in which it works, if it is to adopt a role in saving public health rather than contributing to its degradation.
Pandemic Preparedness and the Road to International Fascism Read Journal Article
People like Dr. Paul Offit are squarely in the camp of silencing dissent and mandating medical interventions as soon as they can drum up the next emergency. However, there are more people who do not want the life that the technocrats, corrupt government officials, and globalists are planning for us, than those who do. As tired as we are of thinking about the pandemic, we have a moral responsibility to push back and preserve our freedoms and way of life for ourselves, and especially for future generations.
The Propaganda That is Selective Science Read Journal Article
For nearly three years, most people in the world have been treated like lab rats in an experiment in bio-technocratic central management by state power, at the urging of once-respected global institutions, and this has resulted in economic crisis, demographic upheaval, and utter political panic. It will be many years before this is sorted out.
The Pandemic Response Unleashed Two Kinds of Nationalism Read Journal Article
On occasion the majority may need to swallow a risk for a time. Sometimes respecting the freedom of others will seem to cost us, but codifying human rights, and insisting on process, legalism, and law gives wisdom time to overcome fear. It is the insurance that keeps the members of a free society free.
Freedom Is Our Birthright, Not Dependent On Medical Status Read Journal Article
As Desmet explains in the book, every totalitarian regime begins with a period of mass formation. Into this tense and volatile mass steps an autocratic government and voilà, the totalitarian state clicks into place. The architects of the new regime don’t go around shouting, “I am evil.” They often believe, to the bitter end, they are doing the right thing.
The Madness of Crowds Read Journal Article
People no longer have an emotional connection while speaking when wearing masks. And we can no longer understand each other’s speech. A venue full of masked people is a place lacking in humanity. It is an artificial world based on virtue-signaling and the elevation of appearance over reality, rather than actual human connection.
Unmask the Audiences Already! Read Journal Article
Individuals whose livelihoods and liberties are being deprecated and deleted need access to the scientific literature as it pertains to this virus. They should send a link to this page far and wide. The scientists have not been silent; they just haven’t received the public attention they deserve.