Search Results for: world+health+organization

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Stop Vaccinating Children for Covid: It’s Neither Medically Justified Nor Ethical


Ordinarily, it would be best to put the whole Covid nightmare behind us and move on. This might be one of the rare exceptions, for accountability for the pain and harms inflicted on individuals and society is the best, and likely the only effective insurance against a repeat. 

Stop Vaccinating Children for Covid: It’s Neither Medically Justified Nor Ethical Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Our Last Innocent Moment

In the Shadow of Oedipus


I want to take the thesis of the last essay a step further and explore what might be causing our collapse. Is it a coincidence that we are suffering in so many different areas of life right now? Is it a little misstep on an otherwise progressive path? If we are on the verge of collapse, is it part of the arc of all great civilizations? Or, like Oedipus, do we suffer from some tragic flaw — a collective destructive character trait that we all share — that is responsible for bringing us to this place at this moment in history?

In the Shadow of Oedipus Read Journal Article

What Happened on the Junket To China in February 2020?


There are so many questions and far too few answers. This one junket is just the beginning but it is a massively important one. We know now that the idea that China managed the virus well is a complete myth (it did not “demonstrate that the infection can be controlled”). The countries that locked down less or not at all had better outcomes in every area: health, economics, culture, and education. 

What Happened on the Junket To China in February 2020? Read Journal Article

international travel

How the Bureaucracy Wrecks International Travel 


The US Travel Association is now pressing the Administration and Congress to end the travel ban. While the lobby’s focus last year had primarily been on reducing visa wait times, its focus quickly shifted to prioritizing ending covid restrictions following the PHE announcement. CEO Geoff Freeman strongly questioned Biden’s decision to end the emergency in May: “but why wait til [sic] May? We have the power right now to remove this requirement to bring travelers back into the country.”

How the Bureaucracy Wrecks International Travel  Read Journal Article

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin


The people in the governments, organizations, and companies working on biodefense were involved in interrelated gain-of-function and medical countermeasure research. It follows that those who knew about the SARS-CoV-2 lab leak and initiated the cover-up were part of the network that dictated the entire Covid response, with a monomaniacal focus on mRNA genetic vaccine platforms.

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin Read Journal Article

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation 


Of all organisations, the WHO, with its calendar of Holy Days as an aide memoire, should have recognised how so many aspects of health and well-being interlock, and how fighting an existential war with one pathogen would impact other priorities. It had a sane and proportionate respiratory pandemic plan in 2019. 

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation  Read Journal Article

What Really Happened: Lockdown Until Vaccination

What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination


In summary, if this theory is correct, what you have unfolding here is the biggest and most destructive flop in the history of public health. The entire scheme of lockdown-until-vaccination depended fundamentally on a shot that actually achieved its aim and certainly did not impose more harm than good. The trouble is that most everyone now knows what the pandemic masters tried to keep quiet for a very long time: natural immunity is real, the virus was mainly dangerous for the elderly and infirm, and the experimental shots were not worth the risk.

What Really Happened: Lockdown until Vaccination Read Journal Article

Masks: Before and After They Became Political


If one actually takes the time to consider the preponderance of evidence regarding universal masking, it becomes extremely difficult to conclude that it has had, or was ever expected to have, a significant effect on the course of the pandemic. The evidence certainly doesn’t come even close to matching the quasi-religious fervor exhibited by the popular media, mask-mandating helicopter politicians, or your judgy virtue-signaling neighbor.

Masks: Before and After They Became Political Read Journal Article

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