
Brownstone Institute - The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines


They knew of the risks, and they withheld the information from the American people. Stripped of informed consent, millions of citizens took the shots while doctors like Demetre Daskalakis denied them the right to know the risks of the product.

The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines Read More

Did Lockdowns Finish Off Public Schooling?


The public schools cannot be fixed. The bureaucracy is over crowded. Union control is absolute. Awful ideas abound about everything. There is a tendency to rely on technology rather than time-tested fundamentals as the preferred solution to any problem. As a result, the amount of technology is overwhelming; The amount of basic reading, writing, and arithmetic – vastly underwhelming. 

Did Lockdowns Finish Off Public Schooling? Read More

CJ Hopkins

The Vicious Punishment of CJ Hopkins 


When asked what gives him courage, Freda said, “I look at this as this a spiritual battle. The people who censor are not good people. If they believed in their ideas, then they would stand up to scrutiny.” He added that many smart people fell in line with dominant and controlling narratives during the Covid period, and, he said, “I lost a lot of heroes. They just crumbled.”

The Vicious Punishment of CJ Hopkins  Read More


The Case Against Ivermectin to Prevent and Treat COVID-19 Has Been Reversed by the Court


In their opinion, Judges Clement, Elrod, and Willett state, “FDA argues that the Twitter posts are ‘informational statements’ that cannot qualify as rules because they ‘do not ‘direct’ consumers, or anyone else, to do or refrain from doing anything.’ We are not convinced.”

The Case Against Ivermectin to Prevent and Treat COVID-19 Has Been Reversed by the Court Read More

CDC v-safe

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program


In George Orwell’s 1984, characters were told by The Party to “reject the evidence of your eyes and [your] ears.” Now, the CDC isn’t even allowing that evidence to be collected for viewing (and prospective rejecting). It’s a terrible idea for any product, let alone novel mRNA technologies. 

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program Read More

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? 


McKernan’s results – for the Pfizer product (BNT162b2) – have now been independently verified by a number of internationally recognised laboratories confirming both the presence and levels of DNA contamination across different vials and batches. So, in asking the question ‘Is the result reproducible?’ the answer (for the Pfizer product BNT162b2 at least) is ‘Yes.’ The contamination is real.

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse?  Read More

impact on the world

How Have You Changed?


For those who are researchers, writers, academics, or just curious people who want to understand the world better – even improve it – to have one’s intellectual operating system so profoundly disturbed is an occasion of profound disorientation. It is also a time to embrace the adventure, recalibrate, and set about correcting and finding a new path. 

How Have You Changed? Read More

cdc altered minnesota death certificates

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death


The actions of the CDC call into question whether the CDC is altogether qualified or trustworthy enough to be the steward of the nation’s epidemiological data. The CDC manages many of the datasets that underpin whole fields of study. If the CDC is willing to fraudulently alter data (or even if the CDC is just too incompetent to avoid corrupting data), all data under the aegis of the CDC is potentially suspect, especially if it relates to a controversial political or social issue.

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death Read More

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