
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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The Supreme Court Gives Hope

The Supreme Court Just Gave Us Hope


The oral arguments in the free-speech case did not increase hopes for a solid outcome. But long experience suggests that oral arguments can be misleading. The briefs and the case law are what are decisive. If the NRA case is any indication, free speech advocates might have a new basis for hope in the wisdom of the Supreme Court. 

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IHR Amendments Open Door to Perpetual Emergencies

IHR Amendments Open Door to Perpetual Emergencies


The 77th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) just concluded at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It originally intended to adopt a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) that would tie country responses to the decisions of the WHO’s Director-General. In the end, it kicked one can down the road for a year and partly filled another.

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Atlas Shrugs

Atlas Shrugs Twice


Atlas may shrug, justice may never be served, all of the structures and institutions around us may fall into disrepair or collapse, and the world may be forcefully locked down, but when we give in to apathy and shrug our shoulders in dejected acceptance and passive participation, we also hand over our own individuality, agency, and freedom. It is then that Atlas shrugs, not once, but twice.

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Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy

Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy


DEI’s nonsensical, unsupported claims that phenotype and sexual identity are indispensable components of superior military performance and the intimidating effect of DEI political officers embedded within the cadet wing breed cynicism and psychological fatigue. Recent undercover investigative reporting that exposes blatant corruption within Air Force DEI programs and an admission of DEI’s lack of benefit affirms the negative view of DEI held by most cadets. If the real Air Force is at all similar to the academy experience, then why devote a career to an organization with priorities more in line with Cloward-Piven than the Constitution?

Low Expectations Plague the Air Force Academy Read More

Part One: Diet, Injections, and Injunctions

Diet, Injections, and Injunctions


You’d think this would be the time to support farmers around the world who are trying to feed the hungry masses, and to encourage local food systems that are resilient in the face of supply-chain disruption. Instead, in country after country, World Economic Forum-affiliated leaders are cracking down on independent farmers and forcing them to comply with draconian new rules in the name of combating climate change.

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WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved

WHO IHR Modifications Were Illegally Approved


The 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly concluded Saturday, June 01, 2024. This particular Assembly meeting, the first following the Covid crisis, failed to achieve agreement on the wording or passage of a proposed World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic “treaty”, also referred to as an “agreement”. In parallel to the treaty, the World Health Assembly (in close cooperation with the US HHS/Biden administration) has been working on “updating” the existing (2005) International Health Regulations (IHR) agreement, which historically functioned as a voluntary accord establishing international norms for reporting, managing, and cooperating in matters relating to infectious diseases and infectious disease outbreaks (including “pandemics”).

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Tidal Waves Don't Discriminate

Tidal Waves Don’t Discriminate


Tidal waves don’t discriminate between those who believe in them, and those who don’t. A wave of censorship and government controls is building, fueled by fears about another pandemic, or climate change, or whatever “emergency” can be exploited to justify government power grabs. The only thing that will stop the censorship and control from washing over everyone, is enlightened people who refuse to be swept up, and who work together to push back.

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