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DACODAI Avoids Public Criticism

DACODAI Avoids Public Criticism


Pressing issues affecting the military are best resolved through open communication with innovative leaders committed to the best interests of the country and those who serve. DACODAI symbolizes the entrenched bureaucracy, whose handpicked members are tasked to defend DEI—Marx’s latest failure to transform society—and lay the blame for poor morale, inadequate enlistments, falling standards, and diminished operational readiness on contrived perpetrators. The committee avoids diverse opinions, constructive criticism, and public disclosure as much as the Morlocks shunned light in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.

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How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law

How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law


The lesson is to privilege fact-finding and evidence over gender, put faith in a due process-centred rule of law over mob rule, reaffirm presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and promote even-handed equality through gender-neutral (and race-, religion-, and caste-neutral) laws and procedures. In other words, justice for all before social justice for favoured protected groups.

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WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote

The WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote 


The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response to various concerns raised in parliaments and civil society. This matters because (i) in ignoring legal requirements and rushing a vote the WHO is putting global health and economies at risk, and (ii) the WHO is acting like a spoiled child, which suggests the organization is no longer fit for its mandate.

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Strong Economy? Think Again

Strong Economy? Think Again


It should be evident by now that the “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. To the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were actually inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the utterly abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns and stimmy extravaganza.

Strong Economy? Think Again Read More

Crush the Flu d’État

Crush the Flu d’État


Part of the beauty of leaving the WHO is this: not only is it simple, it’s easy. The WHO (like its manipulative, dysfunctional parent, the UN) is a paper tiger. The WHO has zero authority above and beyond that which we grant it. Unlike an unfortunate woman trapped in a violent household, the WHO cannot beat us up, steal our money, or kidnap our children. Not yet.

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The System of Fascism Revisited

The Machinery of Fascism Revisited


In today’s polarized political environment, the left continues to worry about unbridled capitalism while the right is forever on the lookout for the enemy of full-blown socialism. Each side has reduced fascistic corporatism to a historical problem on the level of witch burning, fully conquered but useful as a historical reference to form a contemporary insult against the other side. 

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The Populist Wave and Its Discontents

The Populist Wave and Its Discontents


Quite possibly, the type of reform Western democracies require is more radical than anything either populists or their critics are willing to contemplate. For what is required is far-reaching decentralising reforms that anchor political and economic power not in a centralised state, but in a federal pact among municipal and regional governments and grassroots institutions such as local citizen assemblies, professional associations, and worker co-operatives. Under such reforms, the old national political establishment would lose much of its power. But so would national populist leaders and movements.

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Ancient Political Advice for Today's Rulers

Ancient Political Advice for Today’s Rulers


Psy-ops employ a diversity of psychological strategies and techniques to exercise influence over the feelings, thoughts, and behaviour of a selected group, with the obvious goal of persuading the people comprising the latter, usually via various modes of deception, to act in a desired manner. If this sounds familiar, don’t be surprised. It has been carried out on the populations of the world’s countries since at least 2020, and arguably for much longer.

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The Four Sins of 'Thawteffery'

The Four Sins of ‘Thawteffery’


Thawteffery is the wicked management of thought, election-to-election, by wicked people for wicked purposes. I speak of the wicked as forming “the junta,” even though the conspiracy may be rather spontaneous. We are talking about some amalgam of a wicked faction, the Deep State, the administrative state, the swamp, the blob, and so on. It has become clear that the CIA and other intel agencies, and the Left Pole, are central in the junta.

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