
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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Medical-Industrial Complex

The White House Is Controlled by the Medical-Industrial Complex


As Biden has proven to be a fragile and weak president, many believe that this has allowed Zients to seize the reins of executive power. Zients past history predicts that he will use this to further his own financial interests, which clearly represent a significant financial conflict of interest. The revolving door just doesn’t stop spinning, and it all seems to revolve most efficiently around Zients, the pharmaceutical-medical industrial complex and now future pandemic responses. Talk about the foxes in the hen house!

The White House Is Controlled by the Medical-Industrial Complex Read More

Corruption of Public Health

How Did the Corruption of Public Health Happen?


International public health is a mess. Once seen generally as a public good, the focus of the World Health Organization (WHO) now more closely resembles a scheme for extracting private profit from the public purse. Wealthy corporations drive a ‘public-private partnership’ agenda, the foundations of the rich determine global priorities, and a propagandized public are ever more removed from decision-making regarding their own well-being.

How Did the Corruption of Public Health Happen? Read More

Lockdowns were not Essential

Lockdowns Were Anything but “Prudent and Essential”


Lockdowns were neither prudent nor essential. It’s not as if government officials considered the collateral damage to be inflicted on the economy, society, and health by the lockdowns and then rationally concluded that the benefits of locking down outweighed these costs.

Lockdowns Were Anything but “Prudent and Essential” Read More

pandemic preparedness

A Reevaluation of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agenda


The past two decades have witnessed the increasing divergence of two schools of thought within global public health. The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) agenda have brought these to a level of vitriol, dividing the public health community. Health is a basic human need, and fear of ill health is a powerful tool for changing human behavior. Ensuring the integrity of public health policy is therefore critical for a well-functioning society.

A Reevaluation of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response Agenda Read More

brownstone institute most popular

Brownstone Institute at Year Three 


This period of our lives has shattered the hopes and dreams of millions and billions of people, and practically buried the ideal of freedom as an anachronism in a new age of corporatist totalitarianism. The neo-Hegelians in our midst condescend to us and say that this is just how things are and there is nothing to be done about it. This is not true.

Brownstone Institute at Year Three  Read More


Professions are the Cartels of our Managerial Age


Professions have become managerial cartels. Governing bodies are their godfathers, permitting only proper people and perspectives. Their purpose is not to ensure public access to a variety of professional opinions. Instead, they seek to herd people into “correct” attitudes and behaviors. Propaganda is not evil, but merely a tool to facilitate right results. 

Professions are the Cartels of our Managerial Age Read More

Chevron Deference

Chevron Deference Builds the Administrative State


the 1984 “Chevron Deference” SCOTUS opinion is the keystone in the arch of current administrative law. And like a keystone, if the “Chevron Deference” were to be successfully challenged and significantly revised by SCOTUS (functionally pulling the keystone out of the arch), the power and integrity of the entire administrative state structure would be compromised and the strength of the unelected fourth branch of government may fall, thereby restoring balance between the remaining three (Constitutional) branches of government.

Chevron Deference Builds the Administrative State Read More

Brownstone Institute - our enemy: the government

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power


People were told when and where they could shop, the hours during which they could shop, what they could purchase, how close they could get to others, and which direction they could move in by following arrows on the floor. Governments also stepped into nations’ bedrooms to dictate with whom we could and could not be intimate.

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power Read More

lab origin

Origin of COVID-19: The Biggest Cover Up in Medical History


Science is about probabilities. When I consider the odds for the various possible explanations, I have no doubt that the pandemic was caused by a lab leak in Wuhan and that the virus was manufactured there. The cover-up of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is the worst in medical history. This will stand as a pillar of shame in the coming centuries. 

Origin of COVID-19: The Biggest Cover Up in Medical History Read More

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