
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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We Are Being Systematically Blinded - Brownstone Institute

We Are Being Systemically Blinded


It will be jarring for many to hear a scientist speak with such certainty. It should be jarring. We are trained to present ideas with caution, as hypotheses in need of a test. But in this case I have tested the idea and I am as certain of this as I am of anything. We are being systematically blinded. It is the only explanation I have encountered that not only describes the present, but also, in my experience, predicts the future with all but perfect accuracy.

We Are Being Systemically Blinded Read Journal Article

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden - Brownstone Institute

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden


Dr Barratt is correct; doctors do have a higher standing in the community. Dr Julie Sladden is ethical and moral, and, after reviewing the best available evidence and using her clinical experience, she spoke up at great personal cost, to protect the public when authorities ignored her calls for a review. The Tasmanian people can decide who they wish to lead them; they do not need the AMA bullying doctors, silencing scientific debate and interfering in democracy.

The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden Read Journal Article

Free Speech on Trial - Brownstone Institute

Free Speech on Trial


A positive ruling for the plaintiffs doesn’t solve every problem but at least it will mean that freedom still stands a chance in this country. A ruling for the defense, which is essentially the government itself, will give license to every federal agency – including those that operate in secret like the FBI and CIA – to threaten every social media and media company in this country to delete any and all content that runs contrary to the approved narrative. 

Free Speech on Trial Read Journal Article

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism - Brownstone Institute

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism


We hope our lower court victory in Tennessee contributes to restoring the primacy of true evidence-based medical decision-making about childhood Covid mRNA vaccination. It is our fervent wish that the ruling also helps galvanize opposition to childhood Covid mRNA vaccine Lysenkoism, within Tennessee, and across the US. 

The Tennessee Battle Over Vaccine Lysenkoism Read Journal Article

A Vision for a New Liberalism - Brownstone Institute

A Vision for a New Liberalism


We call on you to join us. Become mentors, teachers, or sponsors of or Better yet, set up your own communities and organisations for those you care about. We need to start building the future we want for those we love, and stop indulging in the fantasy that the West will magically come to its senses if only we press the like button for the right articles often enough on social media and badmouth Bill Gates at enough dinner parties. A better future for our children is worth fighting for, and it is ours to build.

A Vision for a New Liberalism Read Journal Article

Ruled by the Capricious Whims of Politicians - Brownstone Institute

Ruled by the Capricious Whims of Politicians


What is the real message behind the ruling and Governor Hochul’s words? Stay in line. Keep your head down. If we can do it to an ex-president of the United States, with whom we’ve all done business, we can do it to any one of you. Especially those of you that don’t have the enormous resources and political support that an ex-president does.

Ruled by the Capricious Whims of Politicians Read Journal Article

Life After Lockdown - by Jeffrey A. Tucker - Brownstone Institute

Life after Lockdown: Foreword by Rand Paul


In Life after Lockdown, Jeffrey Tucker paints a picture of the living hell that was the government lockdown and outlines a roadmap for never again allowing such a police state to occur. During the multiple winters of the Covid lockdown, I discovered Brownstone Institute. On the pages of Brownstone, I found not only the incisive critique of the pseudoscience put forward by Fauci and others, I also routinely came across scientists with the intellectual rigor to disassemble the unsupported scientific platitudes of the state.

Life after Lockdown: Foreword by Rand Paul Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Government Investment into Vaccines Hasn't Paid Off

Government Investment Into Vaccines Hasn’t Paid Off


Unless and until manufacturers can show that, with the right payload, mRNA vaccines are as safe and effective as traditional vaccines against the same pathogen, governments really should be more careful about ‘investing’ our money. God knows, they’ve blown enough of it already, these past four years.

Government Investment Into Vaccines Hasn’t Paid Off Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - The Administrative State is Destroying our Country

The Administrative State is Destroying our Country


Because agencies are run by unelected, government bureaucrats who are beholden to nobody but the person who appointed them. They don’t care what the voters think or want or don’t want. They don’t need to care. They don’t need your vote to stay in power. They only have to appease the politician(s) who appointed them. If they just follow the yellow brick road, they will land on the other side of the rainbow.

The Administrative State is Destroying our Country Read Journal Article